Hong Kong Women Doctors Association Press Release 30/09/2007
Hong Kong Women Doctors Association Established in October, 2006 Set up by a group of female doctors Different specialties and vintage Both public and private sectors One of our mission: promote balanced lifestyle of women doctors in Hong Kong
Family-friendly Employment Policies & Practices (FEPP) Policies & practices provided by employers to help employees manage their family responsibilities & meet their needs at different life stages Help men and women to balance their demands of work and family life Allow time to pursue personal goals & objectives
FEPP Measures in Hong Kong Flexible working hours Part-time employment Compressed working week Family-care leave Paternity leave
Questionnaire on Flexible Employment & Working Hours for Doctors in the Public Sector Current Affairs Committee Hong Kong Women Doctors Association 1 st -30 th June, 2007
Background Conducted Period: 1 st to 30 th June, 2007 Both male & female public doctors Hospital Authority Department of Health The 2 University Medical Schools in HK A total of 700 questionnaires were sent out A total of 304 questionnaires were returned by mail (Response Rate 43%)
Age 21-30: 37.0% 31-35: 28.3% 36-40: 18.0% 41-45: 9.0% 46-50: 4.7% 51-55: 2.0% 56-60: 1.0%
Family Status
Views on Flexible Employment and Working Hours
5 Main Reasons for Flexible Work Hours
Thank You !