STAFF Mrs. Silvia Tarafa, Principal Ms. Sharlesque Hill, Assistant Principal Dr. Herrera Torres, Assistant Principal Ms. Christy Santi, Guidance Counselor Mrs. Mirta Pont, Trust Counselor
FROM ELEMENTARY TO MIDDLE SCHOOL: CHANGES TO EXPECT Want more freedoms Need organizational skills New peer groups New programs of study End of Course Exams
TOOLS FOR SUCCESS Student Planner/Agenda Very large calendar above your desk Subject area notebooks Balance daily schedule Review class work/notes daily READ, READ, READ!
BLOCK SCHEDULE Mon./ThursTues./Fri. Wed. Wed. Homeroom 8:35 - 8:45 8:35 - 8:44 1 st Period 8:50 – 10:40 8:47 - 9:30 2 nd Period 8:50 –10:40 9:33 -10:16 3 rd Period 10:45 -1:10* 10:19-11:02 4 th Period 10:45 -1:10* 11:05-12:18* 5 th Period 1:15– 3:05 12:21 – 1:04 6 th Period 1:15 – 3:05 1:07– 1:50 * 30 minute lunch included
MIDDLE SCHOOL ELECTIVES Physical Education (mandatory unless waiver letter is attached) Art Appreciation I Computers Music Spanish E.F.L. Advanced Academics (C.A.T.S.) Creative Writing
READING CLASSES Intensive Reading: The purpose of this course is to provide intensive reading instruction and practice in reading skills. Required for FCAT levels 1 and 2. Developmental Reading: The purpose of this course is to provide intensive language instruction and practice in reading and writing. Required for ELL levels 1 to 4 (unless student passes the FCAT with Level 3or higher).
ADVANCED CLASSES Language Arts, Advanced Mathematics I, Advanced Mathematics, Pre-Algebra EFL, Spanish I Gifted (C.A.T.S.)
CRITERIA FOR ADVANCED CLASSES Individual student achievement Standardized test scores Classroom performance Teacher recommendation
MIDDLE SCHOOL UNIFORM POLICY Khaki or navy full-length pants (no skirts and no shorts) Navy, light blue or white polo shirts with collar and emblem Navy sweater or sweat shirt with emblem Closed toe and closed heel shoes School—colored jackets Belt
THINGS TO CONSIDER THROUGHOUT MIDDLE GRADES Attendance and tardy record Teacher recommendations for high school Senior high school options (career academies, magnet schools/programs, vocational centers, charter schools, and more) High school graduation options Developing interests and/or talents
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR HIGH SCHOOL Work habits/work ethic/values and morals Character traits Personal appearance arental cooperation Attendance and tardies cademic Performance
DISCIPLINE Bullying Harassment Sexual Harassment Vandalism Cheating It is everyone’s responsibility to report these and other serious incidents.
WHO CAN HELP WITH QUESTIONS AND CONCERNS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL? Principal: Ms. Tarafa Assistant Principal: Ms. Hill Middle School Guidance Counselor: Ms. Bowden TRUST Specialist: Ms. Pont Teachers Office Personnel Support Personnel (security, custodians, cafeteria, paraprofessionals) Parents/Guardians