Jendrassik György Hungarian physicist and mechanical engineer
He was born in Budapest in He completed his education at Budapest's József Technical University. Then at the University of Berlin he attended lectures of the famous physicists Albert Einstein and Max Planck. In 1922 he obtained his diploma in mechanical engineering in Budapest.
Albert Einstein He is best know for his theories of special relativity and general relativity. He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics. Max Planck He is considered to be the founder of the quantum theory. He received the 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics.
From 1922 he worked at Ganz Rt, where he helped to develop diesel engines. The JM130 engine was completed in It was improved later and became good for ships and trains, too.
He designed the world famous Jendrassik Cs-1 turboprop engine in It was intended to power a Hungarian twin-engine heavy fighter, the RMI-1. The first few pieces were made with single and double cylinders; later, the 4- and 6-cylinder four-stroke versions were developed, without compression and with mixing chamber. The engine ran for the first time in 1940.
The RMI-1 Engine: 2x Jendrassik Cs-1 h.p Wing Span: 15.70m Length: m Height: 5.50 m Weight: Empty 4,500 kg / Loaded 6,500 kg Maximum Speed: 540 km/h Crew: 3 it was used in the 2nd World War
Later on he was improving gas turbines. His reputation continued to grow, and he became the factory's managing director from 1942 to In recognition of his scientific work he was elected in 1943 corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. After the war distrust surrounded him, so he didn’t return from one of his travels abroad. He lived in Argentina for a while, then settled in London, England.
He established his own workshop and worked for the Metropolitan Vickers Ltd. His last important invention was the pressure- compensating device. He died in London in 1954.
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