Pairs of numbers that make 10 Do you know which pairs of numbers add together to make 10? Are there any clues or patterns to help you remember them? Can you answer questions quickly using your make 10 facts? StartInstructions
You will be making 10 in two different ways. Some questions have pictures to help but other questions ask you to think for yourself. Read the instructions in each section so you know whether to click or to wait. To leave at any time, wiggle the mouse until you see a small arrow in the bottom left corner. Click it and then choose End Show. Start
Look at the horses that appear. Write down / say the pair of numbers that make 10. Click the show me box to see the number sentence. Were you right? = 10 next pageshow me
Do the same for all these dogs = 10 next pageshow me
Do the same for all these cats = 10 next pageshow me
How many elephants make 10? = 10 next pageshow me
How many of each kind of giraffe make 10? = 10 next pageshow me
How many of these bouncy kangaroos make 10? = 10 next pageshow me
How many in each set of fierce lions? = 10 next pageshow me
Be careful of their rhino horns! How many of each make 10? = 10 next pageshow me
How many chilly polar bears to make 10 altogether? = 10 next pageshow me
Click once to see a question. Say the answer. Click again to see if you were right. 1 + = 10 next page = = = = = = = =
Try this set of questions – this time they are in a different order so you need to think carefully. 8 + = 10 next page = = = = = = = =
In this group, the computer will show you the answers after a few seconds. Can you beat the computer by saying the answer first? 8 + = 10 next page = = = = = = = =
In this set of questions, say how many more rabbits you need to make 10 altogether? Click the show me button once to see the animals and then again for the completed number sentence. 8 next pageshow me 2 + = 10
How many more chickens do we need? 2 next pageshow me 8 + = 10
How many more squirrels do we need? 4 next pageshow me 6 + = 10
How many more black and white zebras to make 10? 6 next pageshow me 4 + = 10
How many more sleepy owls to make a total of 10? 7 next pageshow me 3 + = 10
How many more noisy parrots to make a total of 10? 3 next pageshow me 7 + = 10
How many more penguins will arrive to make 10? 9 next pageshow me 1 + = 10
How many more quacking ducks are needed? 1 next pageshow me 9 + = 10
Click to look at pairs of number sentences. What do you notice? = 10 next page = = = = = = = = 10
Did you notice anything about the questions? Were there any patterns or shortcuts? Remember to click for a question and an answer. 1 + = 10 next page = = = = = = = =
Try these questions which are in a mixed order. 1 + = 10 next page = = = = = = = =
In the last group the answers will appear automatically. Can you beat the computer by saying the answer first? 1 + = 10 next page = = = = = = = =
Make up your own number sentences for the pictures on the next few pages. next page
Well done – you should now be an expert on making 10 ! Try to remember the things you have practiced and don’t forget – if you know a fact like = 10 then you also know that = 10 as well. Created by Teresa Devonshire – Silsoe Lower School play again