UK-CoRR/RSP update May, 2012 Andrew Dorward
2 What is RepNet ? a socio-technical infrastructure supporting deposit, curation & exposure of Open Access research literature. Whats its aim ? The aim is to increase the cost effectiveness of repositories of such literature. How will it do this? offering a sustained and well-used suite of services that enable repositories to operate more cost effectively UK RepositoryNet+ (RepNet)
3 Open Access a piece content or data is open if anyone is free to use, reuse and redistribute it – subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and share alike Open Knowledge Foundation Definitions (undated) Open Access journals are peer-reviewed journals whose articles may be accessed online by anyone without charge Swan Open Access Mandates on research outputs from RCUK, Wellcome etc Open Access
4 Institutional, Subject, Funder repositories a university-based institutional repository is a set of services that a university offers to the members of its community for the management and dissemination of digital materials created by the institution and its community members. It is most essentially an organizational commitment to the stewardship of these digital materials, including long-term preservation where appropriate, as well as organization and access or distribution. (Lynch 2003). Repositories
5 JISC-funded 20 months from 18 August 2011 to 31 March 2013 Bringing together under one banner services from previous or existing JISC projects and elsewhere For more definitions see blog posts on Project Context
6 Project Director – Peter Burnhill Project Manager – Terry Sloan Business Manager – Andrew Dorward Technical Lead – Gareth Waller EDINA Staff – Helen McVey, Nicola Osborne, Jackie Clark, Cesare Bellini, Julie Lockley, Christine Rees Consultants – Leah Bijelic (Halliday), Glenaffric, KPL Service Providers – MIMAS, Nottingham, EDINA, UKOLN Staffing
7 RepositoryNet Production Environment hosted … … curation micro-services Innovation Zone Rapid Innov. / … hacks … Service components Service Desk Service SupportService Directory remote Funders Repositories Subject Repositories Institutional Repositories consumers Sketch of RepositoryNet Infrastructure & Components
8 Web Site/Production Environment
9 NAMES2 Naming Authority for the UK assigning identifiers to organisations and individuals engaged in research Summary of Components by Functional Area ROAR Open DOAR ORI Authoritative, manually curated registry of OA repositories, combined with harvested metadata Registry of OA repositories compiled with statistics in mind Organisation based with information on repositories Research funders policies on OA RJBroker RoMEO Juliet Open Depot Publisher policies on OA deposit Redirect facility to OA IRs, and default OA repository M2M direct for multi-authored works to OA repository(ies) IRUS-UK Centralised service for collection of OA usage statistics IRS REPUK CORE Aggregated set of metadata for development Search, aggregation, full-text mining for OA repositories Search, aggregation, data- mining for all IRs A: Aggregation, Text mining & Search B: Benchmarking, Statistics and Report C: Creating Relevant Registries D: Deposit Tools E: Enhancing Metadata Quality
10 RJBroker Wave 1 Components for Wave 1 RoMEO Juliet Wave 1 ORI Wave 1 IRUS-UK Wave 1 Open Depot UI for OARJ NAMES2 Align with ORCID ROAR Open DOAR ITT - OARR IRS REPUK CORE Innovation Zone Innovation zone Innovation Zone A: Aggregation, Text mining & Search B: Benchmarking, Statistics and Report C: Creating Relevant Registries D: Deposit Tools E: Enhancing Metadata Quality
11 Roadmap with functional areas
12 Interactions with Innovation Zone
13 Timelines DateMilestone Description 31st March 2012Initial Production Environment operational 31 st May 2012Subset of Wave 1 components in the Initial Production Environment (IRUS, SHERPA ROMEO, JULIET, RepUK). 9 th July 2012RepNet launch at OR2012. Conference 30 th September 2012Wave 2 components chosen 31 st October 2012Phase 2 Production Environment ready 31 st January 2013Wave 2 components in Phase 2 Production Environment – R-J Broker, ORI go live (includes hosting of SHERPA ROMEO and JULIET) 31 st March 2013Project finishes.