Congreso International de Gobierno Corporativo Bolsa de Valores de Colombia and Inter American Development Bank Cartagena de Indias – Colombia november/8/2005 Bovespa`s Corporate Governance Segment Claudio Avanian Jacob BOVESPA – Brazil´s Stock Exchange
2 BOVESPA An overview Self regulatory organization Under the supervision of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) Since 2000, Brazil’s only liquidity center for equity trading 382 listed companies Specialized and electronic trading systems for equity and corporate bonds 68% of the trading in Latin American exchanges Market Capitalization: US$ 458 billion (oct/2005) Daily Average Trading Value: US$ 563 million
3 Brazilian market reality Focus on different issues Vast majority of public companies have a defined controlling shareholder Usually this shareholder is a family or a family group The Brazilian law allows companies to issue up to 2/3 of shares as non-voting (misleadingly called “preferred” shares) Many sales of control have resulted in large premiums for the sellers (no tag along rights) Tender offers to delist companies can be maid at unfair prices
4 Result: under pricing Source: Seminário Bradesco Templeton
5 Primary Market Activity # of IPOS
6 BOVESPA´s Strategy Reduction of minority shareholder’s ownership risk Offering “better quality products” Increase the investors’ confidence and willingness to acquire stocks and pay for them a better price that suits the owner of the company that is going public Fostering companies to assure good practices of corporate governance related to investor protection Disclosure/transparency Minority shareholder rights
7 Novo Mercado Commitment with corporate governance Private sector initiative, based on an enforced through a contract with BOVESPA Joining is voluntary and market driven Companies committed to the highest standards of corporate governance Set of rules over and above Corporations Law reflecting market demands and requirements Committed with market arbitration panel to resolve conflicts between shareholders, companies and their management, controlling shareholders and BOVESPA
8 Novo Mercado Groups of requirements Rights for minoritary investors: Only voting shares; Full tag along rights; Public tender offer at “economic ” value; Board of directors with 1 year terms and a minimum of 5 members Disclosure: additional requirements for quarterly statements; financial statements in accordance with international standards; cash flow statements; contracts with related parties, etc. Dispersion: 25% minimum free float and ensure access for individuals in public offerings
9 Bovespa`s listing segments Novo Mercado and Levels 1 and 2 of Corporate Governance Traditional Market Novo Mercado Level 1Level 2 Law requirements Disclosure requirements Diclosure and governance requirements non voting shares are allowed Only voting shares
How is the Brazilian capital market?
11 A Market for IPOs The success of the Novo Mercado Better corporate governance contributed to broaden investor interest Increased confidence, specially from foreign investors More favorable pricing, stimulated new IPOs Offers occurred at multiples much higher than the market average
12 Primary Market Activity
13 What was the outcome?
14 IPO’s performance
15 IGC x IBOVESPA x IBRX 50 Compared performance
16 Listed Companies Novo Mercado and Level 2 Novo Mercado – 16 companies CCR SABESP Natura CPFL Energia Grendene DASA Porto Seguro Renar Maçãs Submarino Localiza Lojas Renner Energias do Brasil OHL Brasil Light Cyrela Nossa Caixa Level 2 – 9 companies Net Celesc Marcopolo Gol ALL Eletropaulo Eternit Suzano Pet. TAM
17 Listed companies Level 1 – 35 adhesions Alpargatas Aracruz Bradesco Bradespar Brasil Telecom BT Participações Braskem Cedro e Cachoeira Cemig Cia Hering Confab Duratex Sadia Suzano Papel e Celulose Transmissão Paulista Unibanco Unibanco Holdings Unipar Vale do Rio Doce VCP Vigor Weg Ultrapar Fras-le Gerdau Itaú Itaúsa Klabin Mangels Metalúrgica Gerdau Pão de Açúcar Perdigão Randon Ripasa Rossi Residencial
18 Next Adhesions Tractebel Novo Mercado Secondary Cosan Novo Mercado Primary Novo Mercado Levels of Corporate Governance Eletrobrás Level 1 Iochpe Maxion Level 1 UOL Level 2 Primary and Secondary
19 Novo Mercado BOVESPA’s perception The standard is set The only model for new listing that is being accepted by the market is the Novo Mercado Only very specific IPO cases will come to Level 2 The special listings segments represent around 45% of trading and market cap of Bovespa
20 A step further Creating an alternative for a greater number of companies, especially SMEs
21 BOVESPA MAIS Pillars Companies committed to CG requirements BOVESPA programs to support companies Greater flexibility in trading Investor with medium- term perspectives Companies committed to their development in stock market BOVESPA MAIS
22 Thank you Claudio Avanian Jacob Listing and business development Phone: Website: