ADVISING STUDENTS: WHAT DO THEY REALLY WANT? Marymount Innovations October 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

ADVISING STUDENTS: WHAT DO THEY REALLY WANT? Marymount Innovations October 2009

Data Source  Marymount Advising Survey  Targeted to students enrolled in Fall 2008 and returning in Spring 2009  563 students completed the online questionnaire  19% response rate of eligible students  Sample generally reflected the population in terms of school and level

Undergraduate Perceived Importance of Advising Topics

Undergraduate Perceived Importance and Satisfaction of Advising Topics

Graduate Perceived Importance of Advising Topics

Graduate Perceived Importance and Satisfaction of Advising Topics

Differences between First College and Transfer Students

First College Students by Year

First College and Transfer Students by Year

Differences between First College and Transfer Students  First College and Transfer students have very similar interests and satisfaction with advising  Differences between them include:  First college students (74%) value discussion of the internship more than transfer students (65%)  First college students (51%) are more satisfied with discussions of careers than transfer students (39%)  First college students (45%) are more satisfied with discussions of further education than transfer students (39%)

Implications  Both graduates and undergraduate are looking for more discussion of career opportunities  Undergraduates want to discuss their internship across their academic program  Transfer students rate advising less well than their first college colleagues  Sophomores have the lowest evaluations of advising for both first college and transfer students