Rules - Do we really need them ? Tip Be careful !
Adults make all the rules. CLICK TO READ THE QUESTIONS AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS Is this statement true ? Press Esc. Minimize Power-Point. Switch to Word. Open a new document and type up your answer. Remember to save your work. Name your document: Rules. Come back to PowerPoint and continue Rule Don’t touch the computer if you haven’t washed your hands
Do all adults make the rules ? Answer “yes” or “no” and then explain why you said “yes” or “no” Escape. Minimize Power-Point. Switch to Word. Open your document. Type in your answer. Save your work
Give an example. Escape. Minimize Power-Point. Switch to Word. Open your document. Type in your answer. Save your work
Off you go ! If you’ve been touching the computer and you didn’t wash your hands before you started, watch out !!! Click to stop it
So, what do you think of that ? Congratulations if you did wash your hands before coming to your Computer lesson ! If, however, you touched the computer before washing your hands, you have broken Rule Number One and you’ve been hurtled into Outer Space ! TIP Remember, you can come back to normality if you can think of a better rule or if you accept it
Address the Issue (Do something ) Can you come up with a better rule ? Do you accept this one ?
Creative Thinking Session Ask: How can I improve on this rule ? –Think about the rule –Ask yourself… “Is it practical ? ( Can it work ?) –Either accept it or make another suggestion –Go to your Word Document to type up your response Rule No 2 If you didn’t have breakfast this morning you will have to stay in at break
Set SMART Rules Is that a smart rule ? Why or why not ? Ask yourself… Does it really matter ? Is it important to do this ? Does the punishment fit the “crime” ? Go to your word document and answer the questions
You didn’t have breakfast this morning ??? You’re outta here !
Now’s your chance ! While you hurtled into Outer Space for not having done whatever it was your were supposed to do - whether it was having breakfast, doing your homework, feeding the dogs or whatever, a news flash came over the radio….. Adults are unable to make any rules for the next 24 hours ! All children are on red - alert ! TIP Get to it. You can do it, but HURRY !
10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1 …ACTION ! Get to your Word Document fast and make as many rules as you can for the Computer Room before your teacher gets back on track and makes them for you ! Be afraid, be very afraid Keep asking the right questions Use real evidence.
Get Commitment Hurry ! Make sure the rest of the kids in the class agree with your rules or they wont be accepted. TIP If you want a happy place, make sure you’re part of the solution - not part of the problem
Well Done ! Did you know …. You’re a super star and you’ve just flown higher than you thought you could - To Outer Space and back ! You’ve just made your own rules Here’s hoping that you can stick to them ! The Last Rule Be Proud of yourself Be very proud !