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What do you mean - Dyslexia?
Dyslexia doesn’t have to be a big deal. Dyslexia is a learning DIFFERENCE
Can you read our definition of Dyslexia ? Dyslexia is evident when accurate and fluent word and/or develops very incompletely or with great . This is how some dyslexic people see words. And it’s not just about decoding. Sometimes the words move about on the page too.
Here it is again… Dyslexia is evident when accurate and fluent word reading and/or spelling develops very incompletely or with great difficulty. British Psychological Association, 1999
Many people with Dyslexia have problems READING + SPELLING.
Sometimes people with Dyslexia REVERSE letters and numbers
ORGANISING and PLANNING can also be a difficulty
Finding DIRECTIONS can be a challenge (and not just for those with Dyslexia !)
And when it comes to remembering things – most dyslexics have a rotten MEMORY!!! (At least for every day stuff).
Many people with Dyslexia have enormous strengths in areas that don’t need formal literacy skills
Brayns I’m miles mor clevver than enniwun els. Thers milyons of brayns in mi hed. I can mack modls that reely wurk, And dig kyts that fli ovahed. Mi pichurs r betr than orl the rest. But I onli got 2 in the spelin test.
Dyslexia Between 2 and 5 pupils in every class will have some dyslexic type difficulties, ranging from mild to severe.
People learn in different ways. Let’s celebrate each others’ differences !
Dyslexia… Coming to a friend near you!
Believe and achieve – you can do it!