On your Graphic Organizer Draw a picture of your favorite animal List 4 characteristics explaining why this animal is your favorite Why Do Animals Behave as They Do?
actions an animal performs For: survival reproduce A. Animal behavior
B. Instinctive Behavior Instinct: behaviors known without being taught Examples: kangaroo crawls into mother’s pouch spiders spin a web
C. Learned: process leading to changes in behavior based on practice and experience 1. Conditioning: connecting a stimulus with a good or bad event Example: Training a dog to do a trick
C. Learned: process leading to changes in behavior based on practice and experience 2. Trial and Error: learned behavior after repeated practice until skilled Example: Riding a bike
C. Learned: process leading to changes in behavior based on practice and experience 3. Insight Learning: solving a problem from what you already know
C. Learned: process leading to changes in behavior based on practice and experience D. Imprinting : recognizing and following the moving object they see –For: –Finding food –Avoiding predators –Knowing their own species
Ch. 5.2 Patterns of Behavior
2. Establishing territory Territory: area occupied by animal/group of animals Example: your pet at home Discussion: What about the dog run?
Ch. 5.2 Patterns of Behavior 3. Mating/Raising Young Courtship Behavior: Males/females recognize each other Reproduction of the species
Ch. 5.2 Patterns of Behavior 4. Living in Groups Protection of each other for survival Safety in groups Protects against predators Example: fish swim in schools Society Same species work together to benefit whole group
Ch. 5.2 Patterns of Behavior 5. Communication Courtship Defend themselves Warnings Food sources
Ch. 5.2 Patterns of Behavior 6. Behavior Cycles Regular predictable patterns Help animals survive Circadian Rhythms behavior cycles that appear over a one day period Hibernation State of greatly reduced body activity
Ch. 5.2 Patterns of Behavior 7. Migration Regular journey from one place to another and back again Food Good environment Reproduction Seasonal Human activities interfere with migration