Jardi Tancat Analysing movement and character SYLLABUS Go to tutorial Return to Dance HSC ONLINE
In this tutorial you will investigate how Nacho Duato establishes character through movement. As a starting point, consider the number and gender of the dancers. What do the dancers wear? Is there any significance in the colour of the costuming? Return to Dance HSC ONLINE
How does the movement portray the characters in each section? Do men and women move differently? Do you see particular relationships between individual dancers? What do these relationships represent? Return to Dance HSC ONLINE
Select one section of the work. Identify two dancers, one male and one female. Write a clear description of movement of each dancer throughout the section. Comment on the way in which Duato develops each character through movement in this section. Return to Dance HSC ONLINE
HSC areas of study components movement spatial elements dynamic elements aural elements dancers setting and environment interpretation of the work context genre subject matter meaning significance writing and criticism reading and writing reviews – newspapers, magazines, journals the role of the critic in dance placing the criticism in context organising the dance motif phrase motif into phrase sequencing transition repetition variation and contrast formal structure unity appraisal and evaluation evaluation general values of society specific values in the context of the work worth and merit effectiveness/appropriaten ess of the work effectiveness/appropriaten ess of the performance Prescribed choreographers and works era/period in which they work background/training influences choreographic style This tutorial addresses the following syllabus area of study in appreciation Return to tutorial