What’s an ADP Goal Got to Do with It? Division for Diversity and Inclusion: 2013/14 Presenter - Ken Coopwood, Sr., Ph.D., CDE, LSSBB Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion
Inclusive Excellence An overarching and enduring commitment of MSU “Focuses on purposeful intellectual & social development through using resources that enhance learning with attention to cultural differences while engaging all diversity in a welcoming community.”
It makes perfect business sense to market your product to growing markets. It is illegal to discriminate against people based upon their race, age, sex, ability, creed, orientation or national origin. Socio-economic status and education are positively related to productive citizenship, better lifestyles and better communities. YOU YOU are the difference in the MSU experience whenever you interact or work to serve others...including your co-workers.
Oct Former President Nietzel’s initial Presidential Report promotes goals for “Being Inclusive” Establishes President’s Commission for Diversity (PCD) Recruiting Diverse Faculty & Students Promotes MSU “Looking More Like the World” In 2006 Higher Learning Commission (HLC) evaluation report Identifies two 1995 diversity shortcomings: Diversity Among Faculty & Staff Diversity Among Students & Within Curriculum In 2006 PCD recommends strategies for recruiting diverse faculty, staff & students On 7/19/2007 Board of Governors (BOG) added promoting ethnic diversity as priority
8/8/2007 BOG directs President to include theme of increasing university diversity. 2010 President Job Description includes item #8 that candidates promote diversity initiatives internally & externally; and ensure engagement by underrepresented groups in university programs. DEVELOPMENTS: Diversity Outreach & Recruitment Coordinators created 2008 Interim Chief Diversity Officer established by BOG in 2010 Vice President for Diversity & Inclusion hired 10/1/2011 Diversity Goal in Long-Range Plan Key Performance Indicator on Diversity Market Research- Phase IV: Diversity
Division for Diversity & Inclusion – since 2011 Campus-wide Initiatives (Abbreviated) Accreditation Leadership and Support ADP Diversity Goal Climate Study Collaborative Diversity Conference Disability Resource Center Diverse Perspectives Info-letter Diversity Landmarks Faculty Diversity Hiring Initiative Multicultural Programs Multicultural Scholarships ACCESS CLIMATE DIVERSITY IN/OUT OF CLASS LEARNING LEADERSHIP I M P A C T I N G
How does the way I think about others affect my work performance? What level of success do I expect for people who are different from me in my work environment? Can I do something that allows me to work with diverse others? What skills do I need to nurture so I can develop and function effectively in a pluralistic workforce? How do I become creative with trying out diverse experiences? What history can I learn about others in my workplace? What can I do to start a discussion about diversity? How can I help others value difference where I work?
Workplace Dynamics + Learning Experiences from Interactions Position Requirements + Annual Goals Employee Attainment of Goals + Unplanned Outcomes Supervisor Characteristics + Learning Style Employee Characteristics + Learning Style
S – Specific (or Significant). M – Measurable (or Meaningful). A – Attainable (or Action-Oriented). R – Relevant (or Rewarding). T – Time-bound (or Trackable). (A thought) Diversity goals should identify the result of something you did that made MSU a better place for yourself and others who are not like you.
Create Alumni, Employer, and Student Surveys Establish and implement focus groups – i.e. KAG Conduct service interviews with diverse students Compile and compare studies on ______ Increase percentage of students who ____ Decrease the time it takes walk-ins to _____ Improve process statistics for diverse groups by _____
Identify services selected or elected by ___ Track staff/___ ratios and recommend ____ Compare/contrast enrollment trends for ___ Increase percentage of ___ who ___ within the current year _____ the diversity of _____ by ____
Collect _____ samples for ______ Develop a portfolio for ____ by _____ Initiate a capstone project for __ employees Conduct workplace observations of ____ for _____ Complete review of _____ by ____ Evaluation performance of _____ for ___ Conduct a case study for ___ Prepare ____ for licensure examinations by ____
Long Range Plan Diversity Goals or Initiatives University Cost Center/Division Department Supervisor HR Appraisal and Development Plan Website ADP Diversity and Inclusion Guide ADP Diversity and Inclusion Talking Points ADP Review Course for Supervisors
Ongoing Professional and Personal Development Opportunities University Sponsored Events Division for Diversity and Inclusion Citizenship and Service Learning Public Affairs Human Resources My Learning Connection
For doing your part to advance Presenter - Ken Coopwood, Sr., Ph.D., CDE, LSSBB