Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radiologically Contaminated Scrap Metal Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) 5-7 April 2004 Presented by: Mr. Dancho ELENKOV Nuclear Regulatory Agency (Bulgaria) Deputy Chairman 69 Shipchensky prokhod Blvd Sofia, BG phone: fax:
Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radiologically Contaminated Scrap Metal Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) 5-7 April 2004 Content of the presentation: Statistics for the period Origin of radioactive contamination in scrap in Bulgaria Existing and planned national regulatory mechanisms Monitoring of the movement of radioactive materials - scrap metal Dispositioning (removal) of detected radioactive materials Conducting drills and exercises Good (and bad) practices and lessons to be learned Planned activities and mechanism
Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radiologically Contaminated Scrap Metal Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) 5-7 April 2004 Statistics for the period
Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radiologically Contaminated Scrap Metal Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) 5-7 April 2004 Origin of SIR in scrap in Bulgaria: 1. Events inside the country (theft): 3. Illicit traffic 2. Import of contaminated scrap metal
Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radiologically Contaminated Scrap Metal Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) 5-7 April 2004 Existing and planned national regulatory mechanisms Existing mechanism - legislation: Act on the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy (ASUNE) - June 2002 (new); Basic Standards for Radiation Protection (BSRP-2000) - January 2001 (new Regulation, based on the IBSS No. 115 of IAEA, 1996); Regulation No.0-35 on the safe use of sources of ionizing radiation (1974); Regulation No.5 on the issue of licenses for the use of atomic energy (1989); Regulation No.46 for safe transport of radioactive materials (1976); Regulation No.7 for safety management of RAW (November 1991); Regulation on emergency planning and response (April 1998)
Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radiologically Contaminated Scrap Metal Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) 5-7 April 2004 Existing mechanism - Authorisation process (licenses and permits for safe use of SIR) The authorisation process is basic mechanism for effective control over possession and use of radiation sources, which includes: granting of licenses; granting of permits. According the new ASUNE there are six types of licenses: use of sources of ionising radiation (SIR); manufacturing of radiation sources or of parts thereof; handling of radiation sources for services; import/export of radiation sources; specialised training of persons engaged in practices with SIR; transport of SIR; Existing and planned national regulatory mechanisms (cont.)
Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radiologically Contaminated Scrap Metal Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) 5-7 April 2004 Existing and planned national regulatory mechanisms (cont.) According the new ASUNE there are six types of permits According the new ASUNE there are six types of permits: setting of a facility with radiation sources on specific site; construction of a facility with SIR, assembly and preliminary tests; decommissioning of a facility with SIR; temporary storage of radiation sources; single transport of SIR import and export of SIR or of parts thereof Existing mechanism - Authorisation process (licenses and permits for safe use of SIR)
Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radiologically Contaminated Scrap Metal Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) 5-7 April 2004 Existing and planned national regulatory mechanisms (cont.) Article 35 of SUNEA: “…license for operation of a nuclear facility is being granted to a legal entity, registered in the Republic of Bulgaria, which has approved emergency plans for action in case of an accident. Concerning the facilities with SIR – which provides the requisite measures for radiation protection ensuring for all categories exposured individuals, as in normal circumstances, as well as in case of incidents and accidents…” Article 117 of SUNEA: “... Emergency planning measures are being established by the emergency plans as follows: - off-site emergency plan; - on-site emergency plan…”
Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radiologically Contaminated Scrap Metal Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) 5-7 April 2004 Existing and planned national regulatory mechanisms (cont.) inspections - to determine on-site whether practices are carried out and sources are used in accordance with the requirements of relevant regulations and with any license or permits conditions; radiation safety appraisals; accident notification and investigation; periodic feedback from users about key safety parameters. The priority and frequency of inspections depend on the risk and complexity associated with the practice, as well as potential accident consequences and the type and frequency of violations found during inspections.
Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radiologically Contaminated Scrap Metal Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) 5-7 April 2004 Types of practices and sources covered by the legislation and requires emergency planning: measures for emergency planning and emergency preparedness are established by the state bodies and licensees implementing activities related to: design of nuclear facilities; construction of nuclear facilities; commissioning of nuclear facilities; operation and decommissioning of nuclear facilities; manufacture, transportation and storage of nuclear material; practices with sources of ionising radiation.
Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radiologically Contaminated Scrap Metal Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) 5-7 April 2004 Types of practices and sources covered by the legislation and requires emergency planning (cont.): nuclear and radiation accidents and incidents, affecting potentially or really on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria or abroad, have occurred: in nuclear facilities; in facilities, operated with SIR ( industrial, agriculture, medical, research, etc); in falling of satellite with nuclear reactor or nuclear and radioactive substances on board; in use of nuclear weapons, nuclear and radioactive materials for terrorist purposes, sabotages and illegal traffic (SIR of an unknown or untraceable origin); in transportation of nuclear materials and SIR; in radioactive wastes management, etc. the scrap metal processing facilities
Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radiologically Contaminated Scrap Metal Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) 5-7 April 2004 Existing emergency plans: Off-site emergency plans: - National Basic Plan (National Emergency Plan) for conducting of rescue and urgent post accident restoration works in case of disasters, accidents and catastrophes (last version April 2002); - in accordance to the National Emergency Plan, emergency plans of the municipal administration bodies and of the local self- government, of the ministries and the organisations (last version 2002 – 2003) were developed. Emergency Plan for Industrial (Chemical) Accidents National Emergency Plan Emergency Plan for Nuclear and Radiation Accidents Actions in case of transboundary contamination Actions in case of an accident with SIR Actions in case of an accident atKozloduy Emergency Plan for Earthquakes and Landslides Actions in case of an radioactive cont. scrap
Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radiologically Contaminated Scrap Metal Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) 5-7 April 2004 Existing emergency plans (cont.): On-site emergency plans: The NPP Kozloduy Emergency Plan, version 3, 2000 The Plan for eliminating of the consequences and for protection of the population and of the environment in case of radiation accident during transportation of spent/fresh nuclear fuel, 2001/April 2002 Emergency Plan on RAW Department at NPP Kozloduy, (July 2001); The Emergency plan for the Nuclear Scientific Experimental Base (NSEB) – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, December, 2001 The Emergency Plan of Permanent Repository of Radioactive Wastes – Novi Han, January, 2003; The Emergency plans of all facilities (over 1500 in number), using SIR and generating RAW (last versions in the period 1998 – 2003) The Emergency Plans of the scrap metal processing facilities
Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radiologically Contaminated Scrap Metal Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) 5-7 April 2004 Monitoring of the movement of radioactive materials - scrap metal Kremikovtsy facility Stomana-Industry - Perniik facility Automatic radiation monitoring Manual dose-rate control (continuos)
Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radiologically Contaminated Scrap Metal Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) 5-7 April 2004 Governmental and private sector response procedures and requirements In case of accident with SIR an inter organisational team is being formed by the Permanent Commission, which includes experts from: – Members of the emergency response team NRA; Civil Protection State Agency; National Centre on Radiobiology and Radiation Protection – Ministry of Health; Ministry of Internal Affairs – Service "Control of the Dangerous Substances"; Ministry of Environment and Waters (in case of risk for the environment); State enterprise for RAW Management); Ministry of Interior
Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radiologically Contaminated Scrap Metal Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) 5-7 April 2004 Notification and Information Exchange T max. = 72 h - for gathering and safety storage of the SIR Border checkpoint Services performing border control Head of Border control services MIA – duty officers NRA Emergency Centre In site the country MIA services or CPSA MH-NCRBRP INRNE-BAS Specialized lab. Local Authorities MT MF - CUSTOMS IAEA WCO Other countries Mobile group Request for help from other country MIA T=15-30 min T=10 min T=+ 75 min T=+ 24 h T=+ 120 min T=+ 24 h
Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radiologically Contaminated Scrap Metal Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) 5-7 April 2004 Example of dispositioning (removal) of detected radioactive materials Actions of the Emergency Response Team: 1. Detection of increasing of -background 2. Removing the wagon in a special place 3. Notification of the NRA, CPSA, MH, MI 4. Police investigation (for the origin of the source) 4. Determination the location of the SIR by measurements 5. Dose-rate control (continuously) 6. Individual dose control (continuously) 7. Request assistance (if necessary) 8. Guttering the national emergency response team (if necessary)
Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radiologically Contaminated Scrap Metal Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) 5-7 April 2004 Dispositioning (removal) of detected radioactive materials (cont.) 9. In situ gamma-spectrometry for isotope determination 10. Off-loading of the wagon (partially or complete) 11. Localisation of the source 12. Removing of the source 13. Temporary storage 14. Monitoring 15. Exemption of the clear scrap 16. Informing the population 17. Informing the IAEA 18. Transpiration of the founded SIR for special investigation (source number, activity, etc.) 19. Transpiration of the founded SIR to the permanent RAW repository
Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radiologically Contaminated Scrap Metal Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) 5-7 April 2004 Conducting drills and exercises Full scope emergency drills are organized each 5 years, for gaining knowledge about the national emergency plan. Exercises on adoption of plan elements are annually performed for 6 years 15 exercises, for example: –Bulgarian-Turkish exercises “Combating of illicit trafficking of nuclear materials”, October 2002
Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radiologically Contaminated Scrap Metal Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) 5-7 April 2004 Planned activities and mechanism: Further development of the existing secondary legislation by: developing a new categorization of the site used sources of ionizing radiation (SIR) developing a new threat categorization of facility emergencies - including the scrap metal processing facilities (category V) Developing a new secondary legislation More clear lines of authority and responsibility Contractual requirement for submission of certificate for radioactivity content in scrap metal
Group of Experts on Monitoring of Radiologically Contaminated Scrap Metal Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland) 5-7 April 2004 Planned activities and mechanism: Strengthening the capabilities at all levels - regulator, competent authorities (MH, CPSA, MI, etc) and operator: –Improvement of the Quality Management System –Intensification of the use of external expertise's. –Enhancement of the individual qualification of the staff –Conducting drills and exercises –Motivation of the staff. Thank you for your attention :-))