Example: Group-based Response Force to a Major Theater War (ROK/SWA) TROOPS NO. SOURCE 600 In Theater 5,000 In Theater 5,000 CONUS 10,000 CONUS 3,500 CONUS 3,500 CONUS 4,000 CONUS 50,100 Total Strength Joint Force Land Component Command (JFLCC) (Positioned in Regional Unified Command) (1) COMBAT MANEUVER GROUP (CMG) (1) CMG In theater Army Prepositioned Equipment Set (2) CMG Army Prepositioning Afloat Set (APA) (2) JTF SPT GPs Army Prepositioning Afloat Set (APA) (1) AIR DEFENSE GROUP (strategic air lift) (in USFK) (1) AVIATION STRIKE GROUP (in theater in USFK) (1) ROCKET ARTILLERY GROUP (strategic air lift) (1) LIGHT RECON-STRIKE GROUP (strategic air lift) (1) C4I GROUP (Deployed in EUCOM and USFK) Bottomline: This Group-based Force could be ready to attack in two weeks and close in less than 28 days. Another equivalent force is immediately behind the deployed force in the training phase. Mix could include more!
Example: Group-based Response Force to an SSC TROOPS NO. SOURCE 600 In Theater 10,000 CONUS 5,000 CONUS 3,500 CONUS 4,000 CONUS 31,000 Total Strength Joint Force Land Component Command (JFLCC) (Positioned in Regional Unified Command) (2) AIRBORNE-AIR ASSAULT GROUPS (Strategic Airlift) (1) LIGHT RECON STRIKE GROUP (Strategic Airlift) (1) JTF (EARLY DEPLOYING) SPT GROUP (APA or lift) (1) AVIATION STRIKE GROUP (Strategic Airlift) (1) AVIATION SUPPORT GROUP (Strategic Airlift/in theater in USEUCOM) (1) C4I GROUP (Strategic Airlift) Bottomline: This Group-based Force could be ready to attack in ten days. NOTE: Also, if this SSC is in Europe, N. Africa or the Balkans, the Aviation Support Group and one Airborne-Air Assault Group are in theater. This would further reduce deployment times. A CMG could be added based on mission requirements.
Endstate APA w/ LMSRs (2M sq ft) Possible Reconfiguration of APA to Rapidly Deploy (2) CMGs + (1) JTF SPT Group. With (3) sets afloat in the Pacific, Mediterranean and Indian Oceans, an Army Expeditionary Force could be on the ground in a few days. Endstate APA w/ LMSRs (2M sq ft) 1. (2) Combat Maneuver Group unit equipment (UE) sets w/ 15 days of supply (DOS) (1.2 Million sq ft). 2. Theater opening CS/CSS UE sets. (400K sq ft increase to 800,000 sq ft/ Equipment for 1 JTF SPT GRP) 3. 30 DOS for the early deploying force of an Army Corps-based JTF (Support for the C+38 force). (3xLASH and 2xContainer ships 4. Port opening UE sets, OOTW UE sets, and watercraft. (HLPS and T-ACS) (Total of 16 Ships)
Strategic Reserve Corps (Army Reserve Components) Tier 2 2 AIRBORNE AIR ASSAULT GROUPS 2 COMBAT MANEUVER GROUPS 3 HVY ARTILLERY GROUPS 1 AVIATION STRIKE GROUP 1 AVIATION SUPPORT GROUP 2 ENGINEER GROUPS 1 JTF AIR DEFENSE GROUP 3-5 JTF SUPPORT GROUPS 1 PSYOPS-CIVIL AFFAIRS GROUP Tier 1: Consists of Active Army postured for immediate deployment within six month rotational framework. Tier 2: Comprises Army Reserve Component Forces to which AC needs access early and often. Postured for deployment 30-90 days after notification/mobilization. Tier 3: Remaining RC forces for 180 day mobilization and some committed to civil defense, border security, disaster relief and related internal security missions. (Possible Composition of Strategic Reserve Corps. Could comprise 150,000 Reservists/ARNG on a Rotational Readiness basis.)
Implications for Combined Operations And the NATO Alliance America’s NATO allies are moving in force design directions that are consistent with the Group approach. Today, the combination of reductions in numbers of units and troops has driven the British and French Armies to orient contingency planning along the lines of reinforced brigade structures. Contemporary German Army doctrine organizes warfighting around large mobile brigades. Within the constraints of economy and within the framework of new technology, the Group Structure is not only adaptive to allied formations, it can also become a model for a commonality of doctrine, organization and communications in US-led alliance structures. Breaking the Phalanx, page 89
In Today’s French Army, there are no Divisions!
The Contemporary British Army
Summary of Key Points This is an adaptive approach at the outset of a new RMA. The Combat Group Concept in Breaking the Phalanx leverages specialized modules of Army Combat Power within a rotational readiness system to ensure the Army is strategically relevant across the spectrum of conflict! All future operations and deployments will be Joint! The Group-based approach to organizing, training, educating, modernizing and fighting the Army is Joint. Joint C4ISR is at the center of this effort. Breaking the Phalanx integrates Army Forces with other Services in JTFs and creates a better structure for Army-ARNG/Reserve Cooperation. This Approach promises to Save $ for modernization!!!
You Decide! An Industrial Age Army or An Information Age Army? INDUSTRIAL AGE OR INFORMATION AGE A light/heavy single service warfighting structure of: (9) separate Army Cmds, regional army HQTRs, (4) corps, (10) divisions, (50) brigades, controlling (90) maneuver + (60) artillery/rocket BNs. All units, and headquarters are in constant turbulence because of the in- and out-flow of soldiers. Tiered readiness is misleading: 90 percent -- while the unit turnover rate varies from 33-50 percent (100 percent for Korea) a year. Readiness is illusory! Headquarters in current Cold War Division-based Structure are reorganized to provide Joint Operational C2 in unified commands. Re-Organization creates cohesive, Joint, ready, agile combat power for the CINCs: (26) Close Combat Groups, (22) Deep Combat Groups, (20) Rear Combat Groups in (3) Expeditionary Corps on rotational readiness. $ Saved from reduction in HQ, log tail, overseas presence, unneeded equipment and rotational readiness can be rolled into modernization!
The Strategic Vision In Breaking the Phalanx “Like it or not, the logic of international relations that positioned Rome at the center of world affairs after the fall of Carthage also compels the United States to remain engaged in the post-Cold War World.” From now on, Army Ground Forces will have to perform the tasks Caesar assigned to his legions-win wars, restore order and preserve a stable and prosperous peace wherever direct American influence is required. Breaking the Phalanx creates an Information Age Army capable of rapid deployment, postured to fight 3rd and 4th Generation Warfare in a fundamentally new Strategic Environment!