Instructions to bid on games to referee 1)Log into 2)Click on Officials from the menu bar. 3)Enter your user name and password. 4)Click on My Official. 5)Click on Show only MY upcoming games. 6)Look to the right side of the screen to see ALITHSA games by date order. Scroll up and down to see additional game dates. 7)To select the game(s) you wish to bid (referee), click on down arrow and select either Center Referee or Assistant Referee. 8)Click on Submit Bids. 9)Click OK to confirm the number of games you are bidding on. 10)ALITHSA
Log into and click on Officials from menu bar
Click on Log In
Enter your user name/password
Click on My Official
Click on Show all My games…
Select game(s) to bid
Click on Submit Bids
Click OK to confirm your bids.