João dos Anjos - Observatório Nacional & CBPF 3er Congreso Nacional de la Red FAE Guanajuato, 23-27 January 2014 High Energy Physics in Brazil Brazilian.


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Presentation transcript:

João dos Anjos - Observatório Nacional & CBPF 3er Congreso Nacional de la Red FAE Guanajuato, January 2014 High Energy Physics in Brazil Brazilian Science, the HEP network, and CERN membership

Science in Brazil Started very late: -Monopoly of Higher Education by University of Coimbra, Portugal until 1808 when the Portuguese Royal Court came to Brazil fleeing the invading Napoleonic army. First Scientifics Institutions : -Botanical Garden in Rio de Janeiro (1808) – to acclimatize foreing plants -Observatório Nacional (1827) – 5 years after independence from Portugal -Several Faculties and Polytechnical Schools created during XIX century. -First Universities: -Universidade do Rio de Janeiro (1920). Created putting together 3 Faculties Escola Politecnica + Faculdade de Medicina + Faculdade de Direito -University of São Paulo – USP (1934) – celebrating 80 years in 2014! -Universidade do Brasil – Rio de Janeiro (1937) -First Research Center: CBPF – Rio de Janeiro (1949)

Brazilian Universities in 2010 Universities: Total: 192 Public: 101 (63 Federal) Private: 91 This adds about researchers In the system / year

Science & Technology System in Brazil 1951 Creation of CNPq and CAPES(MEC), Federal agencies to promote Science 1956 Creation of the National Atomic Energy Commission 1962 FAPESP – State of São Paulo Foundation to support science projects 1967 FINEP – Government Bank to Finance Scientific Projects 1968 Full time is introduced in the Universities 1971 Creation of FNDCT - National Fund for the Development of Science and Technology 1985 Creation of MCT - Ministry of Science and Technology 1999 Creation of Sectorial Funds to finance projects of scientific and technological research of interest of the industries integrating these sectors. Currently, 16 Funds are functioning 2007 – 2010 National Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation

FNDCT - Evolution of Sectorial Funds Budget

Evolution of Scientific publications and impact factor

How the Science and Technology System Works? Federal Government agencies: CNPq – Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation CAPES – Ministry of Education States agencies: FAPESP, FAPERJ, FAPEMIG, and other State Agencies support of individual projects with fellowships and research grants FINEP (Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos/MCTI) supports industry, public institutions and infrastructure projects.

1949 – Foundation of CBPF by Lattes, Leite Lopes and Jayme Tiomno – Start of the Brazil-Japan Collaboration in Cosmic Rays at Chalcataya, Bolivia, proposed by Yukawa (5,200 m). 1970’s – Discovery of the exotic Centauro events by the Brazil-Japan collaboration. Experimental High Energy Physics in Brazil Pre-history: 1934 – Gleb Wataghin and Bernhard Gross arrive in Brazil from Europe – Penetrating showers in cosmic radiation discovered by Wataghin, Damy, and Pompeia 1947 – Meson Pi discovery by Powell, Lattes and Occhialini. (Pic du Midi + Chalcataya data) 1948 – Artificial production of pions by Lattes and Gardner at Berkeley Laboratory.

1982: Cocoyot meeting in Mexico: Leon Lederman invites Latin American physicists to participate in experiments at Fermilab. 1983: 2 nd Pan American Symposium in Rio de Janeiro: new offer and support for 4 physicists. 1984: Brazilian group of 4 physicists join experiment E691 of Charm photoproduction at Fermilab. 80’s: New revival of HEP in Particle Accelerators: 1987: Herwig Schopper, Director of CERN, and Carlo Rubia invite Brazilian physicists to join CERN experiments through the Portuguese group lead by Jose Mariano Gago and Gaspar Barreiro. Groups from CBPF, PUC and UFRJ join DELPHI experiment at LEP.

ATLAS: group of engineers from UFRJ that migrated from Delphi UFRJ + UF São João del Rey CMS: group that was formely at D0 at Fermilab CBPF, UERJ, UNESP, UFABC LHCb: group working on Delphi + heavy quarks at Fermilab UFRJ, CBPF and PUC-RJ ALICE: nuclear physics group formerly at Brookhaven RHIC/STAR USP and UNICAMP ALPHA: anti-hidrogen group from UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro CERN Theory Division: frequent visits of Brazilian theoreticians Spin Offs: - CERN/CLAF Instrumentation School - CERN School for High School teachers (org. by SBF): 30 Brazilian + 30 Portuguese + 10 African/Portuguese teachers Today’s Brazilian participation at CERN:

Brazilian participation at CERN: Number of physicists p/ experiment Total 2010 = 47 Total 2014 = 72 Total 2014 (staff + posdocs + students) = 110


RENAFAE: created in 2008 to coordinate Brazilian participation in International collaborations in Experimental High Energy Physics. - To promote the scientific and technological advance in the research of the properties of elementary particles and its fundamental interactions - To coordinate the activities of the groups working in high energy physics with special attention to the activities associated to the large international collaborations - To consolidate and to expand the research in High Energy Physics and to exploit the associated benefits and their technological applications To develop a program to involve industries installed in Brazil in the development of instrumentation and software in collaboration with the groups working in high energy physics. RENAFAE : Rede Nacional de Física de Altas Energias

RENAFAE budget 2008: R$ ,00 ( ≈ 295 kUSD) 2009: R$ ,00 ( ≈ 410 kUSD) 2010: R$ ,00 ( ≈ 590 kUSD) 2011: R$ ,00 ( ≈ 590 kUSD) FINEP ( ): R$ ,00 ( ≈ kUSD) CNPq ( ): R$ ,00 (960 kUSD) + fellowships for students and posdocs State Agencies ( ): R$ ,00 ( ≈ kUSD) TOTAL ( ): R$ ,00 ( ≈ kUSD)

RENAFAE Meetings Every Year : -Workshop with presentation of each experiment (progress report). -meeting of the Steering Committee just after the presentations to evaluate projects and decide about financial support. −First semester: decision about M&O payment: Written report on group and individual activities within the collaboration. −End of the year: presentation of the scientific results obtained by the group. Every two years: Presentation and international evaluation of the work done by each group. Written report with comments and recommendations.

CERN − 2001 Minister of Science and Technology, Ronaldo Sardenberg visits CERN: proposal to Brazil to join CERN with Observer status. − 2009 Ricardo Galvão (RENAFAE president) participates in the discussions about Geographical Enlargement of CERN and recommends Minister of Science and Technology the Brazilian association with CERN: “O CTC recomenda ao Sr. Ministro de Ciência e Tecnologia que designe um Grupo de Trabalho de Alto Nível para discutir com as autoridades do CERN, as condições nas quais o Brasil poderia tornar-se membro daquela instituição. O CTC entende que isto oferece uma excelente oportunidade à ciência e à tecnologia brasileiras para mudar o patamar de sua inserção internacional e, também, às indústrias de participarem dos avanços tecnológicos gerados naquela instituição. Esta oportunidade vem ao encontro dos termos da carta de intenções assinada pelo Sr. Ministro, por ocasião de sua visita ao CERN em Setembro de 2009.” − 2009 Minister Sergio Rezende (MCTI) visits CERN − 2010 CERN approves Scientific and Geographical Enlargement

CERN approves Geographical Enlargement 17 June 2010

Introduction of new status and invitation to be Associate Member of CERN

Criteria to join as Associate Member State

Brazilian Task Force visits CERN September 2010 The Parties Declare as follows: - The Parties agree to work together to facilitate a possible application by Brazil to become an Associate Member State of CERN; - To this end, CERN has communicated the conditions approved by the CERN Council for Associate Membership status (“the Conditions”); - The Parties note that these include the payment of an annual contribution to CERN amounting to at least 10% of the sum that the applicant State would contribute as a Member State; - Associate Membership status would also make Brazilian industrial companies eligible to bid for CERN contracts, again, up to a ceiling that shall be determined on the basis of the amount of Brazil’s financial contribution to the CERN budget;

March 2012: Brazilian Government Provides Application

CERN Task Force visits Brazil October 2012

October 2012: CERN Task Force visits Brazil The Task Force will collect information on: the administrative structure, decision-making procedures, funding mechanisms and organization of physical sciences and the education system in general in the applicant State; the status of high-energy physics in the applicant State, the existing institutions, the level of funding, the personnel and recruitment situation, its track record over the last five years and strategies/plans for the near future; previous CERN experience of participation of the applicant State’s institutions in the Organization’s experiments, and the applicant State’s potential for contributing constructively to the CERN programme in the long term; the level and structure of high-technology industry in the applicant State, and the existing potential for that industry’s participation in CERN activities.

October 2012: CERN Task Force visits Brazil Task Force Questions to MCTI:

December 2013 Happy end: Brazil is accepted to join CERN.... From: REGINA MARIA CORDEIRO DUNLOP, Embaixadora" Ministério das Relações Exteriores em 03/01/2014 To: Ilustríssimo Senhor Conselheiro Franklin Silva Netto Chefe da Assessoria de Assuntos Internacionais Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação "Informo. A convite, visitei, em 20/12, as instalações da Organização Européia para Pesquisa Nuclear (CERN), onde fui recebida, em almoço, pelo Diretor-Geral, Prof. Rolf Heuer, e pelo Chefe de Relações Internacionais, Dr. Rüdiger Voss. Na ocasião, o Prof. Heuer referiu-se à aprovação pelo Conselho, no último dia 12/12, do relatório da força-tarefa que visitou o Brasil em outubro de Como passo seguinte no processo de eventual associação do Brasil, entregou-me carta acompanhada de minuta de acordo para a consideração do Governo brasileiro. Now Brazilian Congress has to approve the agreement to be signed by the Minister of Science and Technology.

New Projects PHYSICS: Synchroton Light Source SIRIUS: 300 million dollars Multi-purpose nuclear reactor: 450 million dollars Associated Member State at CERN: 15 million dollars/year ASTRONOMY: -Participation in ESO: 25 million Euros/year * 10 years -CTA: 10 million dollars -Participation in SOAR + Gemini + DES + SDSS-IV + LSST + DESI Will funding be available for all these projects ?