National Secretariat: Jl. Tebet Timur Dalam XI No. 94, Jakarta, Indonesia Phone: – Fax: – Monitoring Quality of Harm Reduction Services from Community Perspective
Analysis of HIV Situation in Indonesia Source : Ministry of Health Estimated of PLHIV in 2009: orang Estimated of PLHIV in 2012 : org Almost all regions in Indonesia HIV epidemic is concentrated, but it is a widespread low-level epidemic in Papua
HIV vulnerability mapping for IDU: Cities of monitoring the behavior of injecting drug users (IDU Estimated number 2012: people) Source : Ministry of Health Total IDU from 9 cities where Rapid Behavioural Survey conducted are (23% from estimated in 2012) 3
IDU Client Satisfactory Assessment toward HR Services in 2009* Source : Rapid Survey and IDU Client Satisfactory toward HR services, 2009 – 2012, HCPI Catatan: There are missing data in 2009 by 3%
Knowledge and Safe Behaviuor (%) Program ‘HR’ Sexual Transmission Program 4 Component of sexual transmission NSP, MMT, Community Based Treatment etc -Condom Used (%) SEXUALSEXUALSEXUALSEXUAL IDUIDUIDUIDU Coverage (%) Prevalensi STI, Prev HIV (%) Input & Process OutputOutcome Impact OutputOutcome Impact Conceptual Framework
Input (resource) Proccess (activities/program) Output (Result) Outcome (Mid-term result) Impact (Long term result) Human Resources, Budget, facilities, Policies, Guidelines, Prevention and treatment materials, community network, Provision of human resources, provision of facilities, policy implementation, distribution logistics, implementation of field activities, etc The number of clients served, The number of a distributed logistics, number of activities carried out, etc.. Behavioral changes, Increased knowledge, Environment that enabling and conducive The decrease in the prevalence of HIV / STI, Decrease in mortality EvaluationMonitoring M&E Framework Monitoring quality of Harm Reduction Services
Monitoring Quality of Harm reduction Services To Ensure the quality of HR program and achieved the good result Systematic and integrated method with HR comprehensives program
Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement
Monitoring Quality of HR Services Developed a checklist that contains a minimum standard of service HR programs The approach is Participatory Self Administered (PSA) Checklist was developed to: NGO Community Health Center / Hospital Prisons City Health Department District AIDS Comission IDU community Also developed a questionnaire to portrait the beneficiary satisfaction (Satisfaction Beneficiaries)
Stages : Checklist MQ of HR Services Action Plan Form Analysis Form of MQoHRS Implementation Recapitulation Form of the MQoHRS implementation result