International Workshop on Structure and Spectroscopy Freiburg March 2007 International Workshop on Hadron Structure and Spectroscopy & COMPASS Collaboration Meeting Freiburg 19 – 23 March 2007 General Comments on the scientific programme the social programme the excursions
International Workshop on Structure and Spectroscopy Freiburg March :00 Opening: Dean Prof. Dr. Flum, Königsmann 09:20 Polarization puts a new Spin on Hadronic Physics, Jonathan R. Ellis (CERN) 10:10 Gluon and Spin, Gerhard Mallot (CERN) 11:00 Coffee Break 11:30 Photoproduction of Hadron Pairs at Fixed Target Experiments, Christof Hendlmeier (Universität Regensburg) 12:00 Spin on the Lattice, Philipp Hägler (TU München) 13:00 Lunch Break 15:00 Hadron Structure and Dynamics at the QCD scale, Mike Pennington (University of Durham) 15:50 Light Meson Spectroscopy and Search for non q-qbar States at COMPASS, Andrea Ferrero (CERN) 16:40 Coffee break 17:10 Measurement of Pion and Kaon Polarisabilities at COMPASS, Jan Michael Friedrich (TU München) 17:40 Recent Spin Physics Results from RHIC, Christine Aidala (University of Massachusetts, Amherst and BNL) 18:30 Electroproduction of Vector Mesons and GPDs, Peter Kroll (Universität Wuppertal) Monday 19 March
International Workshop on Structure and Spectroscopy Freiburg March :00 Recent Results on Hadron Spectroscopy from B-Factories, Antimo Palano (Universita di Bari / INFN) 09:50 Nucleon Spin Structure with Hadronic Collisions at COMPASS, Marco Radici (Università degli Studi di Pavia / INFN) 10:40 Coffee Break 11:10 Study of Drell-Yan Processes with COMPASS, Oleg Denisov (INFN Torino / JINR Dubna) 12:00 Multi-Photon Exchange and Spin Asymmetries in Lepton- Nucleon Scattering, Andreas Metz (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) 12:30 Precision Measurements of Quark Fragmentation Functions at Belle, Matthias Grosse-Perdekamp (University of Illinois) 13:00 Lunch Break 15:00 Excursion Tuesday 20 March
International Workshop on Structure and Spectroscopy Freiburg March 2007 Excursion on Tuesday Bus leaves at the ‘Konzerthaus’ at 15:00 (see map) Drive to the ‘Münstertal’ (cathedral valley) for a 1 hour visit of the St. Trudpert monastery (founded in 604) English speaking guide during bus trip and visit Bus trip to the hotel ‘Die Halde’ in the Black Forest Conference dinner starts around 18:30 Dinner is free, you pay for drinks like wine etc Bus leaves for Freiburg at around 22:15, arrival at 23:00
International Workshop on Structure and Spectroscopy Freiburg March 2007 The Konzerthaus
International Workshop on Structure and Spectroscopy Freiburg March 2007 The Konzerthaus
International Workshop on Structure and Spectroscopy Freiburg March 2007 Münstertal
09:00 Hadron Spectroscopy with PANDA, Ulrich Wiedner (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) 09:50 Review on small x Physics, Agustin Sabio-Vera (CERN) 10:40 Coffee Break 11:10 Transverse Spin Effects in Semi-Inclusive DIS, Anna Martin (Università degli Studi di Trieste / INFN) 12:00 Transverse Spin Phenomenology: An Overview, Vincenzo Barone (Università di Piemonte Orientale Allesandria / INFN) 13:00 Lunch Break 15:00 Transversity, Collins and Sivers Effects from COMPASS, HERMES and BELLE Data: New Global Analysis, Alexei Prokudin (Università degli Studi di Torino / INFN) 15:50Transverse Spin Effects, Anatoli Efremov (JINR Dubna) 16:20 Coffee Break 16:50 GPDs - General Formalism and Two Specific Examples, Andreas Schäfer (Universität Regensburg) 17:40 Towards GPDs: Experiment, Wolf-Dieter Nowak (DESY and Universität Freiburg) 18:30 Towards a GPD Measurement with COMPASS, Etienne Burtin (Centre d'Etudes de Saclay) Wednesday 21 March
International Workshop on Structure and Spectroscopy Freiburg March 2007 Group Leaders Board at 14:00 English language city tour of Freiburg Meeting point: ‘Haus Zur Lieben Hand’ at 16:00 Free of charge! But registration is required ! First come, first serve Wine tasting with English illustrations Meeting point: ‘Alte Wache - Haus der badischen Weine’ at 18:00 Free of charge! But registration is required ! First come, first serve Thursday 22 March
International Workshop on Structure and Spectroscopy Freiburg March 2007
General Comments Network: WLAN is provided at the workshop site (SSID: COMPASS) Lunch always from 13:00 – 15:00 List of restaurants is provided with the conference documents and on our WEB-page (along with a map) Coffee and cookies are provided during the coffee breaks For questions and help please consult the Hospitality Desk or ask your friendly coordinators from Freiburg (green name tag)
International Workshop on Structure and Spectroscopy Freiburg March 2007 My personal thanks to Horst Fischer he did 95% of the organisation of this Workshop