Competition and conflict over the use of a resource Should we convert York into a car park ! ?


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Presentation transcript:

Competition and conflict over the use of a resource Should we convert York into a car park ! ?

People and the environment - Competition and conflict over the use of a resource At a local scale, study the conflict over the use of a resource. What do we mean by local scale? What do we mean by resource? Can you think of any examples?

What do we mean by local scale? – small scale ( smaller than a county/region), affecting mainly the people in the neighbourhood. What do we mean by resource? – something that is useful. In this case it is usually land – Rural urban fringe, stretch of coastline, national park. Can you think of any examples? – Newbury bypass, the second runway at Manchester airport, the Trafford centre, Isle of Lewis wind farm, Germany Beck housing development.

For your case study you will need to know: The details of the proposal – Facts and figures. The attitudes of different groups of people to the use of the resource The way market processes and/or planning processes operate to resolve the conflict Recognise that some people benefit, and others may lose, when the conflict is resolved

Market processes These operate in an environment where the ability to pay the going rate takes precedence over any local or national concerns. Often, objectors cannot afford to outbid the developers and the development goes ahead with the minimum of consultation. When it does occur, consultation often takes the form of an opportunity to voice objections or propose counter-arguments, but with no right of independent arbitration or appeal.

Planning processes These attempt to provide a means by which local authority planners: Listen to the local community (more democratic) Listen to the organisation responsible for a proposal Have overall development control Any refusal to grant planning permission by the local authority committee may lead to an appeal, or may result in the developer going to a higher body e.g. DEFRA

Planning processes are costly, in terms of time and money, for the local authority. Planning committees may: Require or negotiate modifications to be made to offset the opposition Request additional provision of facilities (such as better road access) which the authority would have to provide if the development went ahead, and which might placate some of the local opposition

Planning committees need to weigh up: The gains from the proposal against its negative aspects The conflicts between differing groups within a local community The wider benefits of a scheme versus the local opposition.