Gdańsk Container Terminal Co Established in 1998
Our motto GTK is…
Major advantages: customer’s approach, professional and comprehensive services including terminal, depot and repair services. high quality standards. good connections to hinterland excellent transit connection to Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Slovakia and Czech Republic
Location : Port of Gdańsk
Szczecińskie Quay
Technical facilities: quay length 367 m ship length up to 205 m max. draft 9.8 m open stores m 2 reefer plugs – 95 units ships operated in lo-lo systems full support for railway wagons.
Technical facilities: Ship-to-shore gantry crane- 40 / 60 t Shore cranes- 40 t Gantry cranes- 32 / 40 t Straddle carrier- 40 t Reach-stackers- 10 t Mobile harbor crane- 100 t 95 stations for refrigerated containers
Range of services: loading / unloading, all kind of container handling services, stuffing, stripping, sampling, tallying, shifting ect. depot services (storage, repairs, washing, cleaning), goods storage on the yard, goods storage in the warehouse, consulting services assistance in contacts with administration Autorities and institutions (Custom Office, Sanitary Office, Veterinary Border Inspection)
Bulk cargo Project cargo General cargo We are specializing in stuffing and stripping of containers:
Bulk cargo:
Project cargo:
General cargo:
GTK Co. Strengths: strong bussines relations with our customers, experienced personnel with deep knowledge of the market and the core of business, wide range of services (container terminal, containers’ repairs, container depot, containers’ stuffing & stripping services), friendly IT software - SOTeK, possibility of an automatic access and transfer the system data based on EDIFACT standard, good location with increasing potential with road access to the terminal premises after completion the tunnel building under port cannal. 0
Railway Companies providing services to GTK Co.: PKP Cargo Cargosped Spedcont Prokont Baltic Rail
PORT OF GDAŃSK CONTAINER FEEDER SERVICES UNIFEEDER (calling once a week): Gdynia- Gdańsk (GTK)- Rotterdam Gdynia- Gdańsk (GTK)- Szczecin - Bremerhaven- Hamburg (calling twice a week) CMA - CGM (calling once a week): Hamburg- Gdańsk (GTK)- Kaliningrad - Tallin- Hamburg ROTTERDAM BREMERHAVEN HAMBURG Tallin Kaliningrad Szczecin
Major shipping lines handled at GTK: Hanjin Evergreen Hapag Lloyd CMA-CGM Cosco UASC Hamburg S Ü d ZIM CSAV China Shipping Yang Ming NYK Line K-Line NORASIA ANL Hyundai OOCL DELMAS Delphis Libra Eucon
Business Activity: Ship handling: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Handling of the container inland transport: from 7.00 a.m. on Monday until 3.00 p.m. on Saturday.
Contact: Gdańsk Container Terminal Co. Headquarter: Na Zaspę 3, Gdańsk, Poland Port Office:– ul. M. Chodackiego; Szczecińskie Quay NIP: KRS: ; Register Court in Gdańsk Initial capital: PLN ,00 Tel.: +(48) (48) (48) Fax: +(48) Office working hours: 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. from Monday to Friday