Raising a Gifted Child To have the intelligence of an adult and the emotions of a child combined in a childish body, is to encounter certain difficulties Hollingsworth
Types of Problems Gifted Children May Experience Uneven Development-sometimes motor skills lag behind cognitive/conceptual abilities (IF they struggle with this area, important to link them with groups that are not related to physical ability-i.e. Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts) Peer Relations- Gifted children (especially highly gifted) attempt to organize people and things-they emphasize rules which they attempt to apply to others
Excessive Self-Criticism-have an exceptional ability to see possibilities and alternatives which gifted children may think they are supposed to be-leads to feelings of inadequacy when they fall short of the ideals they see in their mind Perfectionism-the ability to see how one might ideally perform, combined with emotional intensity=high expectations for themselves
Avoidance of risk taking-in the same way they see possibilities, they also can perceive problems which makes them avoid risk taking High levels of stress-many will experience higher levels of stress due to heightened sensitivity to their surroundings and higher self expectations
Bullying-can be particularly sensitive to criticism due to their own perfectionism and the high expectations placed on them. They may respond to small incidents with magnified intensity, or they may construct fears that arent actually present.
Perfectionism All or Nothing Thinking Critical Eye Unrealistic Standards Focus on Results Depressed by Unmet Goals Makes gifted students vulnerable to underachievement and emotional turmoil
Helping Students with Perfectionism Emphasize process, not outcome Be specific with expectations Have a sense of humor Discuss how mistakes can be good Model Priorities and perspective Goal setting Pursuit of excellence vs perfectionism
Stress It is the bodys general response to any intense physical, emotional, or mental demand placed on it by oneself or others. Heightened sensitivity to surroundings, events, ideas, and expectations Constant striving and relentless pressure to excel can lead to high amounts of stress Many gifted students accept responsibility for a variety of activities----added stress
Helping Students with Stress Be aware of the students behaviors and emotions (G.C. have a different way of experiencing the world: intense, vivid, complex) Encourage expression of feelings and be open for them to talk to you Teach the student to problem solve Model healthy emotional responses
Disciplining a Gifted Student Consistent application of values, rules, and behaviors Enforce rules with consistent consequences Provide logic behind rules and acknowledge reluctance to obey rules blindly Allow them to participate in formulating rules Understand that they are challenging your ideas not you when a power struggle occurs Keep cool and state clearly why a specific behavior is undesirable Avoid the use of sarcasm, labels, and ridicule Ask them how their inappropriate behavior can be modified Focus on what they are doing right
Training Your Faculty Be a resource for the teachers in your school Talk to them about the gifted children in their classrooms Ask your principal for an hour a semester at a teacher work day to do an in-service on working with gifted children
I Am Gifted Video from You Tube
Resources Nurturing Social-Emotional Development of a Gifted Child Webb, J. Education.com Perfectionism Traits: Do These Sound Familiar? Scott, E 2011 Helping Gifted Students Cope with Perfectionism Pyryt, M 2004; Davidsongifted.org Helping the Gifted Student with Stress Management Bainbridge,C; giftedkids.com Bullying of Children with Exceptionalities; cec.org