If we daydream in the English lessons, what will happen? If we daydream in the English lessons, we will fail our tests. Fail my test
If he drives carelessly, he will have an accident. If Mr Lee drives carelessly, what will happen?
What will happen if Joe plays the computer games too much? If he plays the computer games too much, he will sleep late.
If Ann runs fast in the classroom, what will happen? If she runs fast, she will fall down.
If Peter has a holiday, what will he do? If Peter has a holiday, he will play football with his friends.
If Jo Jo wins the singing contest, what will she do? If she wins the singing contest, she will buy a computer.
If it rains, what will we need? If it rains, we will need umbrellas.
What will they do, if Lee family sells the old house? If they sell the old house, they will buy a new one.