2 nd International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics Chicago June 8 th – 14 th 2011 Operational experience and aging studies.


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Presentation transcript:

2 nd International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics Chicago June 8 th – 14 th 2011 Operational experience and aging studies on the CDF Run II Silicon Vertex Detectors Benedetto Di Ruzza on behalf of the CDF II Silicon Operation Group

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza2 OUTLINE 1) The Tevatron 2) The CDF II detector 3)The CDF II silicon subdetectors 4)Silicon aging studies 5) Conclusions

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza3 The Tevatron and the CDFII detector

Fermilab accelerators chain 406/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza

5 The Tevatron BS=Beam sync ticks =132ns Bunches structure Available Pbars ( ) I nitial luminosity record: 4.05 x (cm -2 s -1 ) Mean Pbar production efficiency: ~ 22 x10 -6 Mean Pbar Accumulation rate: ~ 25x (hr -1 )

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza 6

06/11/2011 TIP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza7 Dose rate during beam dump Clean abort Quench

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza8 Dose rate during data taking Dose rate

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza9 Beam doses during data taking

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza10 Beam condition during data taking

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza11 The CDFII Detector

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza12 L00 1 Layer ( ISL) The Silicon Detectors

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza13 The CDFII Silicon detectors L00: Single-sided strips: “Narrows” (SGS Thomson and 2 Microns) “Wides” (Hamamatsu). SVX: Double-sided strips: Layers 0,1,3 (Hamamatsu) perpendicular strips, Layers 2,4 (Micron) small angled strips. ISL: Double-sided strips: (Hamamatsu+Micron) small angled strips OVERVIEW

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza14 <== X-Y (r-phi) and Y-Z (r-z) views The Silicon Detectors L00 detail ==> Beam pipe Cooling lines narrow sensors wide sensors carbon support

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza15 The Silicon Detectors SVXII detail: 3 barrels 5 layers 12 wedges SVXII: the readout is used in the trigger too

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza16 The Silicon Detectors: ISL ISL central ISLforward: (inner and external barrels) ISL detail

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza17 Radiation Field inside the detector

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza18 Radiation damage

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza19 Aging studies: variables of interest

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza20 Depletion Voltage M.Moll, PhD Thesis, (1992) UniHamburg ;

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza21 Depletion voltage Measurement

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza22 Depletion Voltage study – Signal Vs. Bias

06/11/2011 TIP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza23 Depletion Voltage study – Signal Vs. Bias

Depletion Voltage Projections L00-L0 24 Prediction for L00 Prediction for SVX-L0 06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza

Very preliminary result on L /11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza Studies still ongoing

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza26 Depletion Voltage study Noise Vs. Bias GOOD: does not require beam time BAD: not possible for single side strip or after inversion type

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza27 Signal / Noise projection

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza28 Not only the sensors are in a radiation environment VME crates SY527

Wirebond Resonances: Problems induced by trigger rates: 06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza29

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza30 Other Operational Challenges

06/11/2011 TIPP 2011 Benedetto Di Ruzza31 Conclusions 10

Benedetto Di Ruzza32 Back-up slides

Measured Radiation Field 33 Radiation field measured with TLDs outside the silicon volume in NIM A (2003) Bias current evolution consistent with this radiation dose

Benedetto Di Ruzza34 Inversion point (SGS Thomson)

Benedetto Di Ruzza35 Silicon D.A.Q. for SVX II

Benedetto Di Ruzza36 Evolution of Bias currents (R. J. Tesarek et al. NSS 2003)

Benedetto Di Ruzza37 Depletion Voltage

Benedetto Di Ruzza38 Depletion Voltage Projection L1

Benedetto Di Ruzza39 ISL cooling lines


Benedetto Di Ruzza41 SVXII.

Benedetto Di Ruzza42

43 Laser diode/photo diode


45 ISL

46 ISL

Benedetto Di Ruzza47 Readout Chip Accounting

48 END