BIOLOGY at The Friary School
AS BIOLOGY IN YEAR 12 3 teaching groups 9 lessons per fortnight each group will be taught by two teachers groups taught by Mr Chick, Mr Carney, Mr Awbery and Mrs Shepperson Two lessons in the week will be a double practical session
HOW DO STUDENTS STUDY? Theory lessons Practical sessions Independent research Background reading Fieldwork
COURSE REQUIREMENTS Students should have achieved a grade B in GCSE Biology or Additional Science Talk to one of us if you are concerned
HOMEWORK One piece per week per member of staff Homeworks given an AS equivalent grade (A to E) wherever possible
MONITORING STUDENTS Folders/notes inspected every half term Advice given on note-taking and organisation Folders should show evidence of background reading
RESOURCES All students issued with a specification specific textbook Textbooks should be used at home for background reading and to supplement lesson notes Textbook to be brought to all lessons Page references given in lessons Subscription to Biological Sciences Review magazine strongly recommended (5 issues per year) Science department laptops available for lessons when appropriate
PRACTICAL WORK All lab reports to be written up in lab books Lab books handed in weekly for marking Assessment of practical skills carried out on a regular but formal basis
EXAMINATIONS Unit 1 (Biology and Disease) in January 2012 (33%) Unit 2 (The Variety of Living Organisms) in June 2012 (47%)
PRACTICAL AND INVESTIGATIVE SKILLS 20% of total AS marks Practical investigation conducted in school between March and May ISA test conducted under exam conditions ISA test marked in school and moderated by AQA (exam board) Practical skills assessed throughout the course and marked in school
AS UNIT 1 Cells and cell ultrastructure Enzymes Disease and infectious pathogens Lifestyle and disease Transport and the exchange of substances Immunology Digestion, absorption and assimilation
AS UNIT 1 continued Case study – CHOLERA Ventilation (breathing) Biological basis of heart disease Biological basis of lung disease
AS UNIT 2 Variation within species DNA and the genetic code Genetic diversity Meiosis and gamete formation Cell cycle and mitosis Biochemistry Cells, tissues and organs
AS UNIT 2 continued Gas exchange Transport systems in plants and animals Classification Adaptation and selection