27/2/2007www.work-wellbeing.co.uk Fostering Health in the workplace - Physical Health Dr Adele Pilkington
27/2/2007 Health at work – the reality Cost of absence in UK > £13bn in 2005, equates to 164 million days lost (CBI 2006) Self-reported work-related illness ( SWI05/06) 9.5 million days lost due to musculoskeletal disorder 10.5 million days lost due to stress, depression, anxiety Absence due to traditional occupational disease continues to decline
27/2/2007 Work – blessing or bind? Work is generally good for health and well-being (Professors Gordon Waddell and A. Kim Burton Sep 2006). A job can help people to enjoy better health and give them greater control over their health (DH 2004). Work and stewardship (Genesis Ch 2v15)
27/2/ st century health strategy Scottish Executive (1999) Towards Safer, Healthier Workplace. Health & Safety Executive (2000) Securing Health Together. Scottish Executive (2000) Our National Health. Department of Health (2004) Choosing Health. Scottish Executive (2004) Healthy Working Lives. Department of Health (2005) Health, work and wellbeing
27/2/2007 Occupational Health paradigm (Adisesh 2003)
27/2/2007 Health – more than an absence of disease ? Bio-psycho-social Model (Engel, 1977) Relationship of spirit, soul, and body Perceived impact on advice, treatment and hope (McCord G et al, 2004 Annals of Family Medicine) Ancient texts (1 Thessalonians Ch 5 v 23)
27/2/2007 Whitehall Studies Mortality of British civil servants Lowest grades had highest mortality Common cardiac risk factors accounted for only 40% of difference Lack of job control a significant factor in well- being and absence (Marmot et al, 1987, 1991, 1994)
27/2/2007 Physical Health of Office workers All sedentary workers...suffer from the itch, are a bad colour, and in poor condition...for when the body is not kept moving the blood becomes tainted, its waste matter lodges in the skin, and the whole body deteriorates. (Bernardino Ramazzini, 1700) 59% of the working population sits down all day at work and almost 50% refuse to leave their desks, even for lunch. Those who are seated most of the day could be most prone to back problems." (BCA October 2006)
27/2/2007 Improving health at work Lifestyle factors Safe and supportive work environment Work-life balance Supportive social networks Effective rehabilitation after illness Holistic health policy and strategy
27/2/2007 Sources of Information World Health Organisation Health, work and wellbeing Strategy Workplace Health Connect HSE Better Backs and MSD campaign Scottish Physical Activity & Health Alliance ww.paha.org.uk ww.paha.org.uk Healthy Working Lives (SHAW and Safe & healthy working)
27/2/2007 Health, work and wellbeing Strategy Engage stakeholders - national debate on occupational health (OH) and well-being Improving working lives – encouraging healthy workplaces, improved OH provision Healthcare for working age people – improved support for employers, and rehabilitation Lead by example – Public sector as exemplars