The High School Litter Box: If Something Stinks, Change It! How Formative Instructional Practices Changed One School’s Culture & Climate Presented By: Angie Gentile & Ryan Werry
Who We Are!! Our School Warren Local High School Vincent, OH Rural Community ~800 student population 96% Caucasian Us School Improvement Coordinators English & Science Teachers Combined 36 years experience
Our Story Disconnect between students’ grades and standardized tests Students not doing homework Same students failing over and over in majority of classes Sound familiar?
Step 1 in Cleaning Up the Litter box: Book Study A Repair Kit for Grading: 15 Fixes for Broken Grades by Ken O’Connor Voluntary Met once a week after school Read 3 chapters per week Discussed positives & negatives of each fix
15 Fixes for Broken Grades Fix 1: Don’t include student behaviors in grades; include only achievement. Fix 1: Fix 2: Don’t reduce marks on “work” submitted late; provide support for learner. Fix 2: Fix 3: Don’t give point for extra credit or use bonus points. Fix 3: Fix 4: Don’t punish academic dishonesty with reduced grades. Fix 4: Fix 5: Don’t consider attendance in grade determination. Fix 5: Fix 6: Don’t include group scores in grades Fix 6: Fix 7: Don’t organize information in grading records by assessment methods; organize by standards/learning goals. Fix 7: Fix 8: Don’t assign grades using inappropriate or unclear performance standards; provide clear expectations. Fix 8: Fix 9: Don’t assign grades based on a student’s achievements compared to other students. Fix 9: Fix 10: Don’t use assessments that do not accurately assess standards. Fix 10: Fix 11: Don’t rely on the mean. Fix 11: Fix 12: Don’t include zeros in grade determination; use alternatives (reassessing, “I” for incomplete). Fix 12: Fix 13: Don’t use information from practice/homework to determine grades. Fix 13: Fix 14: Don’t summarize evidence accumulated over time. Fix 14: Fix 15: Don’t leave students out of grading process. Fix 15:
Now it’s YOUR Turn! The next step in cleaning the litter box was to examine our own grading practices. Instructions: 1) Individually, rank the 3 fixes you think would be the most controversial in your school. (5 minutes)(5 minutes) 2) Turn to a neighbor and discuss your rankings. Are they the same? Which ones are different? (5 minutes)(5 minutes) Just like you, our staff had a lot of dissenting opinions, so we developed a list of non-negotiables for grading practices. (Look at the end of your handouts.)
Grade Fixes Weren’t Enough! Students’ grades still didn’t accurately reflect what we thought they knew. Too many students were still falling between the cracks. (at-risk, special ed., economically disadvantaged)
Formative Instructional Practices to the Rescue! We became a Race to the Top school.
How Some Feel About RttT!
RttT Brought Batelle for Kids & Formative Instructional Practices to Us: Yeah!
Definition of Formative Instructional Practices Formative instructional practices (FIP) are the formal and informal ways that teachers and students gather and respond to evidence of student learning. (Battelle for Kids)
Clear Learning Targets Learning Progressions Curriculum Designing for Accuracy Assessing with Purpose Assessment Making the Learning Clear Feedback & Responsive Teaching Instruction 13 Focused Learning: Planning for Instruction
Focused Learning Focused Assessments Focused Feedback 14 Formative Instruction Components
Focused Learning Focused Assessments Focused Feedback 15 Step 1: Curriculum/ Focused Learning What do we want students to know or know how to do? This step comes first from your content standards. Make clear learning targets in student-friendly language every class period. Can be stated as “I Can” statements” Example: I can explain how perspective affects how I comprehend historical text.
Focused Learning Focused AssessmentsFocused Feedback Step 2: Focused Assessment How do you know what students know or don’t know? 3 Step Process 1. Diagnostic- formal or informal 2. Formative 3. Summative
Diagnostic Assessment Definition: Also known as “preassessments,” these assessments provide instructors with information about students’ prior knowledge and misconceptions before beginning a learning activity. Examples/Resources/ Techniques: Anticipation Guides, Continuum of Understanding, Four Corners, Poll Everywhere, Gallery Walk, KWL Charts
Formative Assessments Definition: “provides the information needed to adjust teaching and learning while they are happening. In this sense, formative assessment informs both teachers and students about student understanding at a point when timely adjustments can be made” (Association for Middle Level Education) ; assessment FOR learning; practice; NOT included in a student’s final “grade” Examples/ Resources/ Techniques: observation, questioning strategies, self and peer assessment, quizzes, rough drafts, student and teacher conferences Some of Our Favorites: instructional-practices/ instructional-practices/
Summative Assessments Definition: “ a means to gauge, at a particular point in time, student learning relative to content standards.” “Summative assessments happen too far down the learning path to provide information at the classroom level and to make instructional adjustments and interventions during the learning process”(Association for Middle Level Education); assessment OF learning; what appears in the gradebook Examples/Resources/Techniques: State assessments, District benchmark or interim assessments, End-of-unit or chapter tests, End-of-term or semester exams, Scores that are used for accountability for schools (AYP) and students (report card grades).
Reassessments Definition: summative assessments that are given to students AFTER some type of intervention has taken place; reassessments measure the same standards as the original summative assessment but are NOT the same assessment; reassessment scores replace the original summative assessment score IF the reassessment score is higher. Examples/Resources/Techniques: another version of the summative assessment; different way of taking the assessment (oral); rewrite of a paper, smaller group Socratic Seminar, presentation to teacher
Focused LearningFocused Assessments Focused Feedback 21 Step 3: Focused Feedback What do we do for students who have not yet met the standard? What do we do for students who have mastered the standard? How do we communicate to students their strengths and areas where they need more practice?
What Message Does your Feedback Send? What message does your feedback send?
Focused Feedback Create a feedback friendly culture that engages all students in the feedback loop. Learn in a feedback- friendly culture. Create conditions that support and foster a feedback- friendly culture. 24 Formative Instruction Practices TeachersStudentsLeaders
Directs attention to the intended learning or learning targets, pointing out strengths and offering specific information to guide improvement. Occurs during the learning, while there is still time to act on it. Addresses partial or total understanding. Does not do the thinking for the student. Limits corrective information to the amount of advice a student can act on. Effective Feedback
Putting It All Together
What We’ve Learned from FIP: Data Chemistry Chapters 2 & 11 Comparison of Test Scores Before FIP and After FIP Chapter 2 ABCDF 2008/2009 Before FIP13%10%10%8%60% 2012/2013 After FIP39%19%12%7%23% Chapter 11ABCDF 2008/2009 Before FIP26%16%7%7%43% 2012/2013 After FIP35%24%13%6%24%
What We’ve Learned from FIP: Classroom Management Reassessment Managing Data Classroom Organization
A Final Thought: FIP Me, Baby!