Definition of a SPECIAL EVENT INCLUDE (but are not limited to): Conferences, seminars and workshops Corporate launches, fashion shows, exhibitions, Road shows, theatre productions, concerts EXCEPTIONS: Students Union events in SU assigned areas within MacEwan Student Centre/MacEwan Hall Graduate Students Lounge Kinesiology or Olympic Oval tournaments Regular on-campus theatre productions
What does/does not make it a UofC event? YES Authorization must be received from the Department Head, Manager, Dean, Director, Vice-President or other Executive Member. Can be in the form of an to – this is always required if the event is taking place off campus OR if there are third parties requiring proof of insurance. It is also required for larger or higher risk events on Event must be monitored and controlled by the Authorizer or designate who must be aware of, and have a veto in all decisions. All Residence Students events must be approved by the Director, Residence Services or designate.
What does/does not make it a UofC event? NO If this is a Student’s Union Club Event (which are managed and insured separately by the Students’ Union), it cannot be a UofC event. If students are organizing the Event, they should speak with the Students Union Club organizer first to determine if it falls under SU auspices. If this is a third party event (i.e. hosted by a separately incorporated society or outside company), it cannot be a UofC event. Some groups in which UofC faculty, staff and students have memberships, are legally incorporated as societies or outside entities which means the conference would be under their auspices, not under the UofC’s auspices.
Bank Accounts/Finances All UofC events are required to be managed through the UofC accounting structure. NO external bank account(s) can be used. For events/conferences where departments are receiving revenues from third parties (i.e. conference fees), departments must check with their Faculty/Area Finance Partner to ensure that revenue and expense documentation is being managed within the financial guidelines as well as working with them to form a plan for any related financial loss/gain.
Contracts for space and service (including alcohol) Contracts and agreements for food/space must be in the name of the “The Governors of the University of Calgary”. They must be signed by the appropriate designated signing authority. Off Campus agreements must be reviewed and signed by Supply Chain Management who have the designated authority. Alcohol services – service providers serving alcohol must provide a Certificate of Insurance for General Liability Insurance for $2 million dollars indicating that they have alcohol liability insurance coverage and adding the UofC as an Additional Insured. Exceptions are: Chartwells (while serving on UofC campuses), Students Union, Grad Lounge. There are some off campus exceptions – see Risk Management website.
UofC Insurance Provides liability insurance for approved UofC conferences/events, both on and off campus. DOES NOT generally provide Event Insurance. This means that if the event must be cancelled, there is no insurance to cover any losses related to the cancellation of that event or to reimburse conference fees. If the third party requires a Certificate of Insurance, the department should complete the on-line form at: OfInsurance/ and a copy of the contract to OfInsurance/
Health & Safety Guidelines Available from Environment, Health & Safety website at: This contains information on the sale of food, food handling rules, Barbeques, fire safety, show and stage devices, occupancy loads, security requirements, etc.
Risk Analysis and Waivers If the conference or event will have physical activities as part of its agenda, OR or if this is a large Special Event The Department must contact Risk Management to determine if waivers or other mitigation steps are required
Volunteers If volunteers will be used, the Department and the Volunteer must complete a Volunteer Registration form – All Volunteers must be covered with Workers Compensation through Payroll Services. This may require a Deeming Order
Special Events Committee Meets monthly to discuss on- campus events.
Related UofC policies University of Calgary – Use of Alcohol Policy – Use of University Facilities for Non-Academic Purposes – y%20Facilities%20for%20Non-Academic%20Purposes.pdf y%20Facilities%20for%20Non-Academic%20Purposes.pdf
Working Together A)Reviewing contracts B)Creating a single form for departments to complete and submit with the contract and to Risk Management? Event location & owner of space When is event taking place? Is alcohol going to be served? If so, by whom? Who is attending: Employees? Students? Public? How many individuals will be attending? If a conference – what is the group name? Confirm that they are not separately incorporated. Do they need a Certificate of Insurance? Are there any physical activities involved? Who are third party service providers (food, space, tents, bouncy houses, etc.)
How to contact us: Janet Stein, Director Lynne Kulchitsky, Risk and Insurance Analyst