Plagiarism A nifty word for a NAUGHTY deed. A Tabor Victoria Resource by John Capper
Why Plagiarism is an issue PLAGIARISM: The sin of academia… PLAGIARISM: The sin of academia… It is cheating It is cheating It is dishonest It is dishonest It devalues everyone’s award It devalues everyone’s award It can earn undeserved marks It can earn undeserved marks It can wear out the exit door… It can wear out the exit door…
Vice-chancellor resigns over plagarism (sic) claims PM Archive - Thursday, 11 July, :00:00 Reporter: Kate Tozer COMPERE: After days mired in accusations of plagiarism, the Vice-Chancellor of Victoria's Monash University, Professor David Robinson, is standing down. Professor Robinson recently admitted that he twice plagiarised text for books that he published in Britain 20 years ago. However, he now stands accused of further plagiarism offences. Monash, like all major universities, enforces a strong no-plagiarism code, including expulsion, on all its staff and students. So now, to protect its already damaged reputation, the University has agreed the resignation was in its own best interests. In Melbourne, Kate Tozer reports….
Where is the line? Between wholesale copying and responsible writing… Helping you to find the way…
Test yourself from the following list. Indicate whether you think the behaviour is: AAcceptable BBorderline CCheating DDon’t Know ELikely to lead to EXPULSION (E2 if likely on second offence) FLikely to lead to FAILURE (or resubmission) GGreat form HHorrible (or Horrendous!) LLoved by markers PPlagiarism Note: (It could be more than one)
CASE 1 Copying a paragraph word for word from a source, without any acknowledgement (i.e., no reference). C F H P AAcceptable BBorderline CCheating DDon’t Know EEXPULSION (E2 if likely on second offence) FFAILURE GGreat form HHorrible LLoved PPlagiarism
CASE 2 Submitting an essay written by someone else. C E F P AAcceptable BBorderline CCheating DDon’t Know EEXPULSION (E2 if likely on second offence) FFAILURE GGreat form HHorrible LLoved PPlagiarism
CASE 3 Cutting and pasting a paragraph by using sentences of the original but omitting one or two and putting one or two in a different order, with no quotation marks; with an in-text acknowledgement plus bibliography. B P AAcceptable BBorderline CCheating DDon’t Know EEXPULSION (E2 if likely on second offence) FFAILURE GGreat form HHorrible LLoved PPlagiarism
CASE 4 Downloading an entire essay from the Internet. C E F P AAcceptable BBorderline CCheating DDon’t Know EEXPULSION (E2 if likely on second offence) FFAILURE GGreat form HHorrible LLoved PPlagiarism
CASE 5 Paraphrasing a paragraph by rewriting with substantial changes in language and organisation; the new version will also have changes in the amount of detail used and the examples cited; citing in bibliography. C P ! ! ! ! ! It MUST have a reference in the text! AAcceptable BBorderline CCheating DDon’t Know EEXPULSION (E2 if likely on second offence) FFAILURE GGreat form HHorrible LLoved PPlagiarism
CASE 6 Quoting a paragraph by placing it in block format with the source cited through a reference in the text and an entry in the bibliography. A G L AAcceptable BBorderline CCheating DDon’t Know EEXPULSION (E2 if likely on second offence) FFAILURE GGreat form HHorrible LLoved PPlagiarism
CASE 7 Working with a friend and both submitting the same essay as your own work. C F E2 P AAcceptable BBorderline CCheating DDon’t Know EEXPULSION (E2 if likely on second offence) FFAILURE GGreat form HHorrible LLoved PPlagiarism
CASE 8 Submitting the same essay in two different subjects. C F E2 (P) AAcceptable BBorderline CCheating DDon’t Know EEXPULSION (E2 if likely on second offence) FFAILURE GGreat form HHorrible LLoved PPlagiarism
CASE 9 Composing a paragraph by taking short phrases from a number of sources and putting them together using words of your own to make a coherent whole with an in-text reference + bibliography. B H (Why Bother?) AAcceptable BBorderline CCheating DDon’t Know EEXPULSION (E2 if likely on second offence) FFAILURE GGreat form HHorrible LLoved PPlagiarism
CASE 10 Submitting an essay you wrote for another institution. C F E2 (P?) AAcceptable BBorderline CCheating DDon’t Know EEXPULSION (E2 if likely on second offence) FFAILURE GGreat form HHorrible LLoved PPlagiarism
CASE 11 Copying a paragraph and making small changes - e.g. replacing a few verbs, replacing an adjective with a synonym; acknowledging the source in the bibliography but no reference in the text. C F P It MUST have a reference in the text! AAcceptable BBorderline CCheating DDon’t Know EEXPULSION (E2 if likely on second offence) FFAILURE GGreat form HHorrible LLoved PPlagiarism
CASE 12 Doing the naughty things above after a warning. F E AAcceptable BBorderline CCheating DDon’t Know EEXPULSION (E2 if likely on second offence) FFAILURE GGreat form HHorrible LLoved PPlagiarism
RESOLUTION! Be careful. Attend a Study Skills session. Ask for guidance. Be careful! Be well informed. Read the Style Guide on Plagiarism. Be careful!
Plagiarism Please don’t! Thank You!