Navigating WebAdvisor1
2 Once you are in a web browser, and click on the WebAdvisor link, you will see the above screen, the Main Menu. Click on the Log In button.
Navigating WebAdvisor3 Key in your User Name and Password, click submit, and then you will be returned to…
Navigating WebAdvisor4 …the main menu, where you will click on the WebAdvisor for Faculty link. Click on this link, then…
Navigating WebAdvisor5 You will see the For Faculty menu. To begin our session, we will click on the My advisees link.
Navigating WebAdvisor6 After clicking on My Advisees the following screen will appear, where you select the term to view your advisees. Select the term, or enter a start-end date range…
Navigating WebAdvisor7 Then you will see your list of advisees. Click on the Action drop down arrow, and a selections of “actions” will appear. When we select “ TRAN – View Student Transcript ” … then select the transcript type…
Navigating WebAdvisor8 an on-line unofficial transcript will appear, showing courses, grades, credits, and terms, along with totals and cumulated GPA as seen here.
Navigating WebAdvisor9 Another action is SCHED – View Student Schedule, which allows you to view a student’s schedule. When you choose SCHED and select a term…
Navigating WebAdvisor10 …the student’s class schedule appears.
Navigating WebAdvisor11 The next “action” available in the drop-down box is EVAL – Evaluate Program. This function performs a Degree Audit evaluation similar to the Preliminary Graduation Review currently available in the mainframe.
Navigating WebAdvisor12 Once you have selected EVAL, a list of the student’s active programs will appear, along with a drop-down box of other available programs. We will first select a program to which the student has already been admitted.
Navigating WebAdvisor13 A degree audit evaluation appears. The degree audit evaluation lists program code, catalog year, progress within the program, program GPA, and additional courses not being used. If the student has approved course substitutions, they will also be displayed here.
Navigating WebAdvisor14 Degree Audit Evaluations include 5 parts: Banner Banner Header Header Requirements Audit Requirements Audit Other Courses Other Courses Notes Notes
Navigating WebAdvisor15 Banner The banner of the evaluation includes the following information: Student nameStudent name Student ID (Colleague ID only)Student ID (Colleague ID only) Program titleProgram title Program codeProgram code Catalog YearCatalog Year address address
Navigating WebAdvisor16 Header The header of the evaluation includes: Advisor Name (if applicable)Advisor Name (if applicable) Registration flags and holds (if applicable)Registration flags and holds (if applicable) Program StatusProgram Status Program GPAProgram GPA Institutional Credits (credits Credits (credits Cumulative CreditsCumulative Credits Cumulative GPACumulative GPA
Navigating WebAdvisor17 Requirements Audit The requirements audit portion of the evaluation includes up to five requirement blocks: General Education Requirements Major Requirements Concentration Requirements Other Major Requirements Other Requirements
Navigating WebAdvisor18 The requirement audit blocks will display the course taken to meet the requirement, the term it was completed, the grade received, and the credits earned. If a requirement has not been met, the Degree Audit Evaluation will indicate that a course is still needed and provide the student with the course options.
Navigating WebAdvisor19 If a student is registered or pre-registered for a required course, then the degree audit will also note that.
Navigating WebAdvisor20 Other Courses Following the requirements block is a listing of courses not counted toward degree requirements. This list includes all curriculum coursework, including developmental courses. If a student is registered for a course that will not count toward his program, then that course will appear here. The course listing includes the course number and prefix, the term it was completed, the grade, the credits attempted, and the credits earned.
Navigating WebAdvisor21 Notes The Notes section will only appear if there are relevant notes. The starred (*) numbers in this section correspond to items listed in the Requirements Audit section. The section lists additional courses that could have been used in a section and why they were not used (used elsewhere, replaced by another course, etc.). If a course is in progress or is being repeated, then that will be noted. A key follows the notes to assist you in interpreting the list.
Navigating WebAdvisor22 If the student has not been admitted to the program or catalog year you want to evaluate, then you can run a “What if” scenario by selecting the desired program from the drop-down box.
Navigating WebAdvisor23 You will be asked to select a catalog year and the degree audit evaluation will be run. This degree audit evaluation is identical in format to the evaluations run under programs to which the student has been admitted.
Navigating WebAdvisor24 The TEST – View Student Test Summary function allows you to view student’s placement test scores.
Navigating WebAdvisor25 The student’s placement test scores, as well as the date taken, are displayed on the Test Summary.
Navigating WebAdvisor26 The next 3 actions are EXPREG – Express Registration, SRCHREG – Search and Register, and DROP – Drop Section. It is here that you can register your advisees. This will be discussed briefly in Part 1, and will be discussed in further detail in Part 2, where more of the student’s functionality in WebAdvisor will be discussed. The following is a brief description of these actions.
Navigating WebAdvisor27 EXPREG – This is used if your advisee know exactly what courses (s)he would like to register for.
Navigating WebAdvisor28 SRCHREG – This screen allows you and your advisee to search the schedule for a particular class, or for a particular meeting time, etc. Think of this as an on-line schedule. Once completing this screen, you will be taken to the registration process, where the courses can be confirmed.
Navigating WebAdvisor29 DROP – just as the action implies, if you need to drop one of your advisees from a section, this is a simplified screen in which to do this.
Navigating WebAdvisor30 Another selection to choose from is Student Profile, which allows the advisor to view the student’s demographic information. When we select “STPR – View Student Profile” …
Navigating WebAdvisor31 The student profile for your advisee is displayed.
Navigating WebAdvisor32 Continuing through WebAdvisor, we now return to the main menu and select Advisees.
Navigating WebAdvisor33 Select the appropriate term from the drop-down box and your list of advisees for that term is displayed.
Navigating WebAdvisor34 Returning to the main menu, we continue our navigation of WebAdvisor. Click on the link for Class Roster.
Navigating WebAdvisor35 Select the appropriate term from the drop down box and then select the course for which you would like to view a roster.
Navigating WebAdvisor36 The class roster for the selected class appears. From this screen you have the option of viewing additional information on enrolled students by checking the Student Profile box.
Navigating WebAdvisor37 Return to the main menu and select Grading.
Navigating WebAdvisor38 Select the appropriate term and class to be graded.
Navigating WebAdvisor39 Assign a grade for each student in the class. If the student has withdrawn, you have the option of reporting the last date attended.
Navigating WebAdvisor40 Return to the main menu and select Search for sections.
Navigating WebAdvisor41 Select the term and enter any criteria you would like to use to search: subject, course level, course number, section, location, meeting day or time, academic level, or instructor.
Navigating WebAdvisor42 The list of sections that meets your criteria is displayed.
Navigating WebAdvisor43 We now return to the Faculty menu, to continue our Navigation through WebAdvisor. Next, click on the My Class Schedule link. The next screen that appears is…
Navigating WebAdvisor44 The Class Schedule selection screen. Since you are logged in as yourself, you will see only YOUR schedule. Choose the term you wish to view…
Navigating WebAdvisor45 …and this screen will show your class schedule. Also, you may click on the link to view additional information on the sections you are to teach.
Navigating WebAdvisor46 This screen gives more extensive information concerning your individual sections.
Navigating WebAdvisor47 The next selection, Student educational planning, involves setting up an educational plan on your advisee (what courses they should take, when to take them, etc). This is not a required item at this time, but, is a part of the functionality of Colleague. We will discuss this further in Part 2.
Navigating WebAdvisor48 Click MENU to return to the Faculty menu, to continue. Next, click on the Student Profile link to view demographic information on a student. Enter the student’s name or colleague ID.
Navigating WebAdvisor49 This screen gives the student’s “profile” – name, address, phone number, advisors, and academic programs.