AEPs from TNHG at ACT! Visions 2005 ACT!2005 Enhancement Products from The New Hampton Group
What we will cover Folders and their content Folders and their content TNHG.ini TNHG.ini 4 basic architectures 4 basic architectures The trigger command structure and content The trigger command structure and content Troubleshooting with Log files Troubleshooting with Log files
Folders (Part 1) C:\Program Files\TNHG C:\Program Files\TNHG \TNHG.ini \TNHG.ini \ApplicationName \ApplicationName Application Name.exe Application Name.exe Application Name Installation and Usage Guides Application Name Installation and Usage Guides Sample trigger files Sample trigger files Trigger.log Trigger.log Plugin.log Plugin.log Various supporting files (.dlls,.txts) Various supporting files (.dlls,.txts) TAG.ACT.dll TAG.ACT.dll TNHGCustomControlsCS.dll TNHGCustomControlsCS.dll TNHGCustomControls.dll TNHGCustomControls.dll VbPowerPack.dll VbPowerPack.dll
Folders (Part 2) C:\Program Files\ACT\ACT for Win 7\Plugins C:\Program Files\ACT\ACT for Win 7\Plugins ADNApplicationName.dll ADNApplicationName.dll ApplicationName.dll ApplicationName.dll ApplicationNamePlugin.dll ApplicationNamePlugin.dll Various supporting files (these will probably be phased out) Various supporting files (these will probably be phased out) TAG.ACT.dll TAG.ACT.dll TNHGCustomControlsCS.dll TNHGCustomControlsCS.dll TNHGCustomControls.dll TNHGCustomControls.dll VbPowerPack.dll VbPowerPack.dll
Folders (Part 3) C:\Program Files\ACT\ACT for Win 7\Tools C:\Program Files\ACT\ACT for Win 7\Tools ApplicationOrControlName.dll ApplicationOrControlName.dll This makes it available to be added as a tool for use in the Layout Designer This makes it available to be added as a tool for use in the Layout Designer
TNHG.ini Always in the C:\Program Files\TNHG folder Always in the C:\Program Files\TNHG folder Settings, preferences, counters, etc. Settings, preferences, counters, etc. Used instead of the Windows Registry Used instead of the Windows Registry Avoids Anti-Virus Trojan Horse syndrome Avoids Anti-Virus Trojan Horse syndrome Easier to edit and manipulate Easier to edit and manipulate Classic ini file format: Classic ini file format: [Application Name] section header [Application Name] section header ParameterName = value ParameterName = value Change the value if you need to, but leave the name alone Change the value if you need to, but leave the name alone
Basic Architectures Self-contained program Self-contained program Plugin Plugin Custom Control Custom Control Trigger Trigger
Self-contained Program AEP ACT! SDK dlls ACT!2005 Database
Self-contained Program Example: Batch Field Creator Example: Batch Field Creator Operates OUTSIDE of ACT!, independent of the ACT! User Interface (UI) Operates OUTSIDE of ACT!, independent of the ACT! User Interface (UI) ACT! does NOT need to be running ACT! does NOT need to be running Self-contained in its own folder (except …) Self-contained in its own folder (except …) TNHG.ini file entries to remember last-use settings TNHG.ini file entries to remember last-use settings Controlled by user input and interaction Controlled by user input and interaction
Plugin AEP ACT! SDK dlls ACT!2005 Database ACT! UI
Plugin Examples Examples Delete Company Lookup Delete Company Lookup Layout Manager Layout Manager Limited Access Manager Limited Access Manager Select-A-Quote Select-A-Quote Part of ACT!2005 Part of ACT!2005 ACT! DOES need to be running ACT! DOES need to be running Installed into its own \TNHG\subfolder AND in \ACT for Win 7\Plugins subfolder Installed into its own \TNHG\subfolder AND in \ACT for Win 7\Plugins subfolder Activated with ACT! menu or action Activated with ACT! menu or action Controlled by user input & interaction Controlled by user input & interaction
Custom Control AEP ACT!2005 Database ACT! UI ACT! Layout
Custom Control Examples Examples Radio Buttons Radio Buttons Volume Knob Volume Knob Progress Bar Progress Bar Odometer Odometer Part of ACT!2005 Layout Part of ACT!2005 Layout ACT! DOES need to be running ACT! DOES need to be running Installed into its own \TNHG\subfolder AND in \ACT for Win 7\Tools subfolder Installed into its own \TNHG\subfolder AND in \ACT for Win 7\Tools subfolder Add tool to the Layout Designer, then use it on a layout Add tool to the Layout Designer, then use it on a layout Displays ACT! data in non-text format Displays ACT! data in non-text format
Trigger ACT! UI AEP ACT! SDK dlls ACT!2005 Database Command arguments DOS.bat file
Trigger Examples: Examples: Account Number Generator Account Number Generator Auto Fill Fields Auto Fill Fields Copy Fields Contents Copy Fields Contents Field Calculator Field Calculator Part of ACT! Part of ACT! ACT! DOES need to be running ACT! DOES need to be running Installed into its own \TNHG\subfolder AND in \ACT for Win 7\Plugins subfolder Installed into its own \TNHG\subfolder AND in \ACT for Win 7\Plugins subfolder Activated with ACT! field trigger or menu Activated with ACT! field trigger or menu Controlled by command line argument Controlled by command line argument
Command Line Arguments Tell the trigger what to do this time Tell the trigger what to do this time Could be specified as part of the trigger or custom command in ACT! 5/6, but canNOT be part of the trigger in ACT!2005 Could be specified as part of the trigger or custom command in ACT! 5/6, but canNOT be part of the trigger in ACT!2005 So, AEPs use a DOS.bat file for the trigger So, AEPs use a DOS.bat file for the trigger The.bat file gives the AEP its command line The.bat file gives the AEP its command line
Command Line Argument Format Examples: Examples: ?E=C ?L= =, = ?E=C ?L= =, = ?T= =I-D(4)-S(6) ?R=M ?A= = * ?V=T Detailed instructions in products Detailed instructions in products Installation and Usage Guide
Command Line Arguments Each argument is of the form Each argument is of the form ?X= ?X= Examples Examples ?E= Entity designation is … ?E= Entity designation is … ?F= File name is … ?F= File name is … ?L= List is … ?L= List is … ?T= Template is … ?T= Template is … ?A= Algorithm is … ?A= Algorithm is …
Command Line Arguments-Entities Entity type designations Entity type designations Contact: C Contact: C Group: G Group: G Company: A Company: A My Record: M My Record: M Activity: V Activity: V Note: N Note: N History: H History: H Opportunity: O Opportunity: O Opportunity Item: I Opportunity Item: I Secondary Contact: S Secondary Contact: S
Command Line Arguments-Fields Fields names in carats, e ither: Fields names in carats, e ither: Or Examples: Examples: (Address 1 field on current Contact record) (Address 1 field on current Contact record) (City field on current Company record) (City field on current Company record) (Description field on current Group record) (Description field on current Group record) (User 1 field from current record of type implied by entity spec) (User 1 field from current record of type implied by entity spec)
Command Line Arguments-Fields ACT! v5/6 used field numbers ACT! v5/6 used field numbers ACT!2005 uses field NAMES ACT!2005 uses field NAMES Names must be EXACTLY what you see in Tools > Define fields Names must be EXACTLY what you see in Tools > Define fields Spelling Spelling Upper/lower case Upper/lower case Spacing Spacing Punctuation Punctuation Are all DIFFERENT
Command Line Arguments-View ?V=T ?V=T Yes, please display the viewer window, let me verify the command, and make me pull the trigger Yes, please display the viewer window, let me verify the command, and make me pull the trigger Provides access to Provides access to Help menu Help menu About About Register Register
Command Line Arguments -.bat The DOS.bat file replaces the functionality of earlier versions of ACT! that allowed a trigger to contain the command line The DOS.bat file replaces the functionality of earlier versions of ACT! that allowed a trigger to contain the command line Opens a black DOS window but … Opens a black DOS window but … You can use this to alert the user to wait until ACT! finishes it work You can use this to alert the user to wait until ACT! finishes it work or you can immediately hide the DOS window or you can immediately hide the DOS window
Using the DOS Window Sometimes a trigger will take a while to operate Sometimes a trigger will take a while to operate Users get impatient and start clicking around Users get impatient and start clicking around The DOS window will close when the program finishes, so … The DOS window will close when the program finishes, so …
Hiding the DOS Window You can immediately hide the DOS window You can immediately hide the DOS window ConsoleTool.exe /hide ConsoleTool.exe /hide ConsoleTool.exe is included in each install, and is found in the \TNHG folder above the AEP-product-specific folder ConsoleTool.exe is included in each install, and is found in the \TNHG folder above the AEP-product-specific folder The DOS Window flash is a training issues The DOS Window flash is a training issues
Troubleshooting with Log files Each AEP creates a log of events Each AEP creates a log of events Log file(s) found in \TNHG\subfolder Log file(s) found in \TNHG\subfolder Command.log, Plugin.log, product.log Command.log, Plugin.log, product.log Log files are cleared every day Log files are cleared every day Logging is on by default Logging is on by default Turn logging on/off using \TNHG\subfolder\LogToggle.exe (found on Turn logging on/off using \TNHG\subfolder\LogToggle.exe (found on Start > Programs > TNHG > productname > Logging Control menu)
Turning Logging On and Off
Troubleshooting with Log files Empty? > trigger never fired, so check: Empty? > trigger never fired, so check: the ACT! field trigger setting the ACT! field trigger setting the.bat file program path and name the.bat file program path and name Error messages indicate problems in the command line argument or operations within ACT! Error messages indicate problems in the command line argument or operations within ACT!
Custom Solution Creation Many ACCs choose to remain consultants and not become programmers Many ACCs choose to remain consultants and not become programmers Need a source of custom solutions to meet client requirements Need a source of custom solutions to meet client requirements Dont say No; say Lets ask Geoff! Dont say No; say Lets ask Geoff! Examples (ACT!2005): Examples (ACT!2005): Custom Account Number Generator Associate Activity Series with Group ACT! fields into Excel spreadsheet template Accumulate YTD and LifeTime sales totals to Contact field Convert MS Access data to ACT! Periodic update of ACT! with accounting data
The New Hampton Group Custom solutions Custom solutions ACT! Enhancement Products ACT! Enhancement Products