EIT ICT Labs Patrik Floréen HIIT
European Institute of Innovation and Technology EIT EIT regulation: “The EIT should primarily have the objective of contributing to the development of the Community’s and the Member States’ innovation capacity, by involving higher education, research and innovation activities at the highest standards” To solve the European dilemma: How to transform excellent research results to innovations and business? Brings together research, education and innovation activities to build Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KIC) in selected strategic areas A KIC is a tight network of 4-6 co-locations (nodes) where universities, research institutions and companies co-operate in open innovation In December 2009, EIT selected three KIC’s Climate-KIC: Climate change mitigation and adaptation KIC Inno Energy: Sustainable energy EIT ICT Labs: Future information and communication society (the only one with Finnish partners)
EIT ICT Labs Legal structure: An association under Belgian law Five nodes: Helsinki, Berlin, Eindhoven, Paris, Stockholm Core Finnish partners: Aalto, Nokia and VTT University of Helsinki is an affiliated partner Helsinki Node Director is Prof. Marko Turpeinen Co-location centre in Otaniemi, TUAS-building EIT provides 25% of the funding Catalysts and co-funding
Integration across the knowledge triangle