Chart 1 Supply Chain eco-Visibility – The Intermodal View Klaus-Uwe Sondermann Delft, 09 May 2012
Chart 2 List of contents Role of intermodal transport in the supply chain Online time table tool Consignment tracking and tracing Carbon footprint calculation Improvements back-end and front-end Inclusion of intermodal terminals
Chart 3 School Book Perspective: Intermodal Transport
Chart 4 Intermodal operator Network manager Terminal operator Forwarder Truck comp. Shipping line Shipper Railway Initiates service Procures full train capacity and rail traction service Bears economic risk Procures train slots by load unit Sells door-to- door logistics Procures slot time Procures slot time & track access Business Model: open, (intermodal) operator driven train
Chart 5 > 40 domestic Terminals in DE Connections to > 190 terminals in > 30 countries > 250 domestic shuttle trains, with > 350 connections per week > 600 international direct train services per week suitable connections (theoretically) used connections in 2011 Case Kombiverkehr: Important Operation Figures
Chart 6 How does it become visible?
Chart 7 Online time-table on all own and contracted itineraries incl. ferries since 2005 Application for calculation of polluting emissions since 2009 Front end: Access to the online time table
Chart 8 Back-end: Alternative Routings With the knowledge of the given capacity and the delivery needs, between Hamburg and Verona Kombiverkehr can offer daily more than 10 different routes on 20 regular block trains with 100 possible routings Connection (C) Route (R) Section (S) Route section (RS) C 1 Hamburg-Verona R 1 (direct train) S 11 Hamburg-Verona RS 1 Hamburg-Hannover RS 5 Hannover-Verona R 2 (via Ludwigshafen) S 21 Hamburg-Ludwigshafen RS 2 Hamburg- Ludwigshafen S 22 Ludwigshafen-Verona RS 3 Ludwigshafen-Verona Hamburg S11 C1 S21 S22 RS2 RS3 RS1 RS5 Verona R2 R1 Ludwigshafen Hannover
Chart 9 Primary: different routings First CO2-calculation based on standard parameters: 1 loading unit 25 tons Eurocode 5 truck Front end: Results of the online time table
Chart 10 Back-end: Planning ahead of the transport A customer opts for intermodal transport with Kombiverkehr, e.g. due to the CO2 savings Reserved for Customer X Reserved for customer Z Reserved for Customer Y Booking customer Z Booking customer X Booking customer Y
Chart 11 Real World: Transshipment and Departure of Train
Chart 12 Real-Time Train Monitoring – Arrival Board Terminal Information of related operative partners during haulage
Chart 13 Real-Time Train Monitoring – Tabular Visualisation Filter, by terminal, axis, operator, … Real-time, ETA, Messages
Chart 14 Real-Time Train Monitoring – Geo Visualisation
Chart 15 Transshipment! Mission completed?
Chart 16 Front-end: Detailed Emission Calculation Start of the application via sheet Emissions Selected relation with a defined path (direct train or gateway traffic), as its required to integrate kilometres on rail and on road
Chart 17 Loading weight as well as the truck- euronorm can be entered and calculated individually Front-end: Loading weight and trucks Euronorm
Chart 18 Presentation of results for CO2 table and chart Inklusive savings truck to train (and accordingly rail/ferry and truck/ferry) 4 more air-pollutants calculated Additionally display of required energy input in three different methods of calculation Front-end: Results CO2 and others
Chart 19 Background information about calculation and methodology Kilometres on road are bought external from PTV-Verlag Kilometres on rail originate from a Kombiverkehr- internal database Front-end: Basic Information
Chart 20 Calculation of the emissions by clearly defined calculation factors for every individual air- pollutant as well as the energy consumption (Example primer energy consumption in liter diesel- equivalent and CO2) Buying of the data at IFEU-Institute, Heidelberg Back-end: Up-to-date simplified emission parameters
Chart 21 Front-end: Up-to-date simplified caclulation Result Displayed Exchanged Shown in invoice paper version electronic version
Chart 22 Satisfied? Never!
Chart 23 Back-End: Constant Improvement of Sources & Quality Central Database Manual Data Entry Transport monitoring GPS Infrastructure Operators train control systems Wagon 2train EDI- interface(s) ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival Quality-Statistics Customer Information
Chart 24 NavMaster CREAM – GPS telematics for wagon tracking GPS localisation, maintenance free for up to 6 years Forwarding of sensor events (shock, door opening...) Notification of reaching / leaving areas (terminals, stations) Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) together with Train Monitor GPS tracking of ISU test runs Wels – Halkali
Chart 25 Eco efficiency tool for intermodal terminals to enable terminal operators to accurately calculate their current GHG performance, identify where their hot spots are with regard to energy consumption and GHG emission and to determine what impacts different measures in the context of a terminal have, either in an ex ante (Scenario) or ex post (monitoring) perspective.
Chart 26 Eco efficiency tool for intermodal terminals The data used for upstream processes such as the electricity supply or fuel supply (diesel, natural gas) is taken from the European Life Cycle data base operated by JRC for which PE is also the data provider. For emissions from road based vehicles PE uses in our GaBi software the same source used by TREMOVE or Copert 4. The compiled data and results from the eco efficiency tool can be made available for COFRET so they can increase the robustness of their tool by using for the submodule terminals the results from Hubways. It goes without saying that for the development of the eco efficiency calculator international standards such as the CEN or will be applied.
Chart 27 AGORA website
Chart 28
Chart 29
Chart 30
Chart 31 Uwe Sondermann © KombiConsult GmbH Thank you for your attention