How to Use Destiny This presentation is designed to cover the basics of Destiny, the RUSD library and textbook management system. In order to use Destiny effectively, you will need to be logged into a computer that can access the internet. Find Destiny at The student portion of the Destiny Tour takes approximately 20 minutes. If you are looking for information on how to use a specific option or feature, click on the links in the Table of Contents, located on the next slide.
Table of Contents Holding Titles Creating & Using Lists The Destiny portal Basics Guest use “Breadcrumbs” Logging in Using Searches Basic Visual Power Managing Reviews My Info Recommendations Holding Titles at CVHS at another RUSD school Creating & Using Lists Wish Lists Resource Lists Creating Refining Selecting titles Working with lists Citations Bibliographies
From CVHS’ School Fusion website, click “Library,” then “Find Books,” then “Destiny: CVHS Library.”
The Home tab displays popular books, basic use information, and helpful links that can help you navigate Destiny, as well as other educational sites available for CVHS.
Click “Login” if you want to do more than search. You can start searching for a book by entering what it is you want to find in the “Find” box and then clicking on the appropriate buttons: Keyword--search the entire record for the word or phrase. Title--search all or part of the title: e.g., “Potter.” Author--search for books that an author has written: e.g., “Meyer.” Subject--look for books in a particular field of study: e.g., “whales.” Series--find all of the titles in a set: e.g., “Lord of the Rings.” See “How do I . . .?” for more information or examples of “Power” or “Visual” searching. Note that clicking on the buttons on the left will change the program’s displayed languages to either French or Spanish, but WILL NOT change the language of the title information Destiny displays.
A word about “Breadcrumbs” and website navigation. Do NOT use the “Back” button. Using the menu bar on the left will take you all the way back to step one. Destiny is picky. If you want to get the most from it, you have to play by ITS rules: Instead, follow the “breadcrumbs.” The advantage of doing so is that Destiny will “remember” all of the things you have done along the way. It may not remember if you use the back button.
petersal011501 12036 Your user name and password are the same as the ones you use to login to the library computers and the School Fusion website.
Once logged in, your name appears in the upper right-hand corner of the window, and your school’s name and logo appear in the upper-left. Finally, you can use the “Help” button in the upper right-hand corner if you are unsure of what to do or how to do it while using Destiny. You also can access some links to other websites, and can click on the tabs for “Catalog,” to search, or on “My Info” to see what you have checked out, overdue, or on hold.
Clicking on “My Info” shows your checkout history. If you lose a book, check here, first. Library staff will check in anything that comes to us, so if the book’s title shows here, the book is still out there and you are still responsible for finding it or paying for it. This student has a library book . . . four textbooks, with one overdue . . . and a ready hold.
Use “My Searches” if you want to go back to a search you did before. Clicking on the “Catalog” tab brings up the search screen. Play around with the “Basic,” “Power,” and “Visual” searches to see other ways to search. Note that the results that the “My Searches” window displays are tied to the types of searches you have done. If you want to see what “Visual” searches you have done previously, for example, be sure to click the “Visual Search” tab before you click “My Searches.” If you have questions about searching, such as how to use “wildcards” or punctuation, click on the question mark next to “How do I . . . “ For more information on an available function, click on the question mark icons. Use “My Searches” if you want to go back to a search you did before.
Sometimes, you may not have a specific book in mind. When that happens, try doing a “Visual Search.” Here are 9 fiction & non-fiction books on “Antarctica” that are a good place to start.
Let’s find a book by Title. . . . In this example, entering part of a title with an asterisk (*) will find anything beginning with “Tokyo M” Clicking on “Title” will get us the results we want.
The “Search Titles” screen shows: The Title The Cover Clicking on “Details” will get you more information about a title. You can sort by “Relevance” (i.e., how closely the information in the book’s record matches your search terms), “Title,” or many other criteria. Sorting by “Status” will list books with available copies first. The Call Number, Author, Publisher and Year Published How many copies are available
Use the menu bar to get more information about the book . . . Let’s look at some of these. . . . You can also see reviews of books . . . get copy information . . . Clicking on “Find It” will get you lists of books by the same author or in the same subject area. and place a book on hold. If there is more than one title, use the green arrows, above, to move to other titles before or after this one in the previous list. Last, you can click on “Recommend” to send others a title that you think might interest them.
Here are 109 titles that also fit the subject, “psychological fiction “Find It” is a great way to search for things when you have nothing in mind; just start by searching for the last good book you read, and then use “Find It” to get you started. Say you read Odd Thomas and want another book that is like it. Click on the “Find It” button.
“Publication Info” is where you can find the number of pages a book has. “Additional Info” often gives you information about the title, artwork, and other miscellaneous information. It also may give you the reading level and interest level of a book.
Clicking on the cover may get you more information about the book.
You can return to your previous Destiny window by clicking this tab or by closing the TitlePeek tab or window. Use the tabs on the left to read a summary, reviews, or an excerpt, if available. When you click on a book’s cover in the “Search Results” window, you will be taken to another website. Another tab (or maybe another window, depending on your browser) will open.
From the “Details” window, you can read any student reviews. When you see search results, you may see a title with a star-rating. You may only review a book ONCE . . . so think your reviews through, and make them count. Remember, all reviews have to be approved by a library staff member . . . and don’t forget that YOUR name will be on the review.
Let’s add a simple review in the “Reviews” window. Destiny has “spell-check”; the squiggly red line tells you Destiny needs you to be sure the word is spelled correctly. “Mouse-over” the stars to set a rating. Write your review. Remember, your review will have your name on it AND it will have to be approved by a library staff member before it will post. Check your postings BEFORE you click “Save.”
First, find the book; then click the “Recommend” button. When you review a book, the only way others can see your review is if they first look for the book. If you want to force the issue, “Recommend” a title to friends, directly. First, find the book; then click the “Recommend” button. Search for a CVHS student or staff member, here. Click on the person’s name Check the My Info tab often, as library staff will sometimes use “Recommend” to send you a message. Enter the name of the person to whom you want to recommend the title, and click the “Go” button. Enter your comments and click the “Save” button. That’s it, but remember: Your comments will be screened by library staff and we will have to approve them. If we cannot , we will have to bother you to explain why we could not.
Let’s put a book on “Hold.” We do not have enough staff to guarantee that we will be able to gather books for you that are on the library shelves. If you place a “Hold” on a book that is not checked out to another student, the “Hold” may be ignored. You should come into the library and find books like these, yourself. Let’s put a book on “Hold.” But what if a book isn’t AT the CVHS library? When you put an item on hold, you will see a message that tells you what your “Hold” status is. In this case, the book is on the shelf . . . so go get it!
Most of the time you can start by searching . . . in the CVHS library. When this screen appears, it means CVHS’s library does not have the book. To look outside our school, click “Refine your search.”
Try your search again, but this time look at other sites in RUSD. Let’s see what we get if we search for a Title in “Redlands USD.”
MUCH better results, with forty titles MUCH better results, with forty titles. Let’s get the second one by clicking on “Details.”
This screen shows you there are no titles at CVHS This screen shows you there are no titles at CVHS. . . but there are two at other schools, with one available. Clicking on “Hold It!” will send your request to the CVHS library staff. Once we approve it, the request will go to another school and your book could soon be here. We will not notify you when your book arrives, but you can check the status of your hold by clicking on the “My Info” tab. When you see “Ready” next to the title, your book is waiting for you at the CVHS library circulation desk.
Once you have entered as much information as you know, click Save. If you believe a title that we do not have is one we should have, click “Add to Wish List.” Once you have entered as much information as you know, click Save. On this screen, you only need to put in the title, but the more information you can provide, the more likely library staff can find information on the book you think we should have. International Standard Book Numbers are like book “fingerprints.” There is only one that matches a particular version of a book. If you enter a book’s ISBN, it will assure we look for the correct book. Looking for a title on is a good way to find an ISBN. Library staff will get a message containing your information. We will look into your request, and while we can’t buy every book that is suggested, you may soon see your requested book here at CVHS. Remember, when you add a title to a Wish List, your name will be part of the request, so choose your words carefully if you add a reason we why should purchase a copy!
“My Personal List” is the default. Clicking on “Resource Lists” in the “My Info” window will allow you to view and create your own lists. “My Personal List” is the default. Clicking “Add List” will let you create specific lists for specific classes, subjects, or other things. Items in “My Personal List” are PRIVATE. “Public” lists are available for anyone to see. For example, your teacher may set up a list of historical fiction for classes to use. Click “View” to see what is in the list . . . or the pencil-and-paper icon to edit the list’s name and description.
A “Power Search” will make setting up this list a lot faster. Before you create a list, have a plan. Suppose you are writing a paper for English class about the Holocaust. Finally, you may want to use NOT to further limit your search. For example, “Historical Fiction” AND “Holocaust” NOT “german*” will narrow the search to historical fiction books about the holocaust that do not include references to Germany or Germans. In the first search line, we set the limiters to “Subject” (because we only want to search that part of the record), and “This exact phrase” (because we want only records that contain the subject, “Historical Fiction.”) In the second and third search lines, the limiters are set to “Keyword” and “Any of these words”—If the terms appear anywhere in an historical fiction book’s record, you want to look at that book. We also set “Material Type” to “Book” to limit our search just to books. Note that AND is set below the first search term, but that OR is set under the second. Do you understand what difference using “And” or “Or” makes when you search? Let’s look for titles with similar themes by using a combination of search terms: A “Power Search” will make setting up this list a lot faster. historical fiction german* holocaust When you click on “Search,” here is what Destiny finds:
There are 127 books that meet our requirements There are 127 books that meet our requirements. Clicking “Add to this list” will add the book to “My Personal List.” If the screen shows “In This List” rather than “Add to this List’ it means you have added the title. You can also click “Add Page” to add all 25 copies listed on the screen. Clicking “Show All” will load all pages; “Add Page will then add all 127 titles to your list. Let’s jump ahead a bit. . . .
How did we get here? Remember the “breadcrumbs”? Now that you are back in “My Personal List,” you can work with all the books you have selected. Clicking on “Remove” will remove the title from your list, only (NOT from Destiny). Clicking on “Citation,” will let you see the MLA information for the book. If some is missing, you can add to it. It will only add to the list, not to the actual record in Destiny. One more thing about using citations . . .
At the bottom of any resource list, click “Citation List” or “Bibliography” and then ”Go.”
(These options should make your teachers happy, too.) Choosing “Citation List” produces an MLA formatted list of books in another tab or window. (These options should make your teachers happy, too.) Selecting “Bibliography” will give you other results.
Finally, should you have further questions, remember that you can always click on the “Help” button in the upper-right corner of almost any page in Destiny. Their help is FAR more detailed than this presentation would even try to be. You may need Acrobat Reader to access some of the help pages. If you do not already have it on your computer, you can download the free version at