Physics II Lab Safety Orientation
Overview Emergency Phone Number Fire & Emergency Evacuation Accident Reporting First Aid Lab Safety PHYSICS LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Campus Emergency: Call University Police Department (UPD) in case of an emergency. From any university phone: dial 911 or ext From your cell phone: dial
For a fire, life-threatening incident, or other serious incident, contact UPD From any university phone, dial 911 or If an ambulance is needed, inform UPD. LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
Emergency Call: If, by mistake, you call 911 using your cell phone, make sure to also notify UPD at (361) so they can assist in the response. County responders do not know where campus buildings are.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Accident Reporting – Non Life-Threatening Report all non life-threatening incidents to your Instructor. Use the first aid kit in the lab. Go to the Health Center if needed. How do you know if it’s needed? If you do not know, then it’s needed.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION At the beginning of the semester: Become familiar with your building; Know your fire exits; Know the shortest route to the nearest exit; Be aware of your surroundings; And…
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Evacuation Procedures - in case of a fire or other evacuation: Exit the building in a calm & orderly manner. Use the shortest and safest passage to the exit. DO NOT RUN. Do not use the elevator.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Why to not use an elevator in a fire: Elevators are essentially decorated metal boxes. People are a species of animal. When one puts an animal in a metal box and applies heat, this is called “roasting”. In a fire, an elevator can cook you like a turkey.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Evacuation Procedures Alert people and pull the fire alarm on your way out if it has not already been pulled. Meet your class at the assembly area designated by your Instructor. Stay at least 100 feet away from the building (or 35 long steps)—the designated assembly area will be this distance from the building.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Evacuation Procedures Do not re-enter the building until the “All Clear” has been announced. It is not possible to see from outside a campus building if it is safe inside the building. Regardless of whether it is a real fire alarm, false alarm, or a fire drill, you are required to follow the same procedures above.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Evacuation - Helping a person with physical disabilities: Accompany him/her to an area of rescue assistance located at the stairwell landing. Call or have someone call UPD & give UPD the location.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Helping a person with physical disabiliteis, deux: UPD will bring him/her down the stairway using an EvacuTrak. Stay with him/her until UPD arrives unless your life may be in danger. Do not use the elevator.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Emergency Equipment: Fire extinguisher or other “emergency equipment” may be available inside the lab. Using them is only on a voluntary basis. Lives matter more than do equipment or furniture.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Use emergency equipment only if: You are trained to use them. Your own safety is not compromised. Remember: YOUR OWN SAFETY COMES FIRST.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Emergency Phone in your lab. When the red light is flashing and/or the phone is ringing, there may be an emergency announcement. PLEASE PICK IT UP IMMEDIATELY!
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Lab Attire For PHYSICS Labs No special attire required except for a pair of sturdy shoes that enclose the foot. Trousers are highly recommended.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Lab Safety Behavior NO FOOD, NO GUM (even “in a backpack”—it is not to enter the lab). NO DRINKS NO APPLYING COSMETICS Long hair tied back. If it can be tied back, it is “long hair”. No horseplay (pushing, shoving, pranks, etc.)
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION General Electrical Safety Report all malfunctioning equipment to your Instructor. Do not use frayed, damaged electrical cords. Do not overload a circuit with an “electrical octopus.”
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION General Electrical Safety Power used in some experiments can generate lethal current/voltage.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION General Electrical Safety Several experiments use multiple cables. If you snag these, you could pull equipment onto yourself or damage cables and cause a short circuit.
Laser Safety
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Laser Safety The laser machine in the lab is a low power class II laser. Laser class II light can still cause damage to a person’s eyes. DO NOT STARE INTO BEAM.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Laser Safety Never point the laser at another person. Stand behind the beam at all times. Turn off the laser machine before doing manipulation.
LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION Laser Safety When doing experiment, plan the setting so that you & your team mates will not accidentally cross the beams.
E/M Apparatus Instructor will set up for you.
E/M Apparatus Electrical Hazards – it will be set up Instructor only. You are to not touch the tube/bulb. LAB SAFETY ORIENTATION
Safety is not an outcome. Safety is not a goal. SAFETY IS A BEHAVIOR