Old man visits lake Sees 59 swan Takes place in autumn Tone is reminiscent
Describes swans in detail, envious Swans start to fly around At end, they settle on water Swans in pairs
Speaker- William Butler Yeats Listener- himself and indirectly readers
Swans symbolize authors memories Poem is extended metaphor of his memories
Autumn- near death Water and sky calm- no reminiscing 59 swans- odd man out
19 th autumn- swans appear eternal, living in past Well finished- death Scatter wheeling in great broken rings- life/memories flash before him
I have looked…sore- cant relive memories, frustrating Alls changed…tread- memories lift his spirits
Unwearied…air- swans are coupled, seem unchanged, cant find love Their hearts have not grown old- youthful Passion…still- swans seem passionate, vibrant (memories still fresh)
But now they drift on still water- comes to grips that memories gone Mysterious, beautiful- admires memories so much (thats why difficult to let go) By….away?- doesn't want to lose memories, know where theyll be
Keating Reminiscent Envious Enforces Carpe Diem Tries to be orderly in chaotic world