A Harbor Seal Pup Grows Up
examines When a person examines something, she looks at it carefully. He examines the toy to see if it is broken. Name a job in which the worker examines someone or something.
mammal A mammal is a warm-blooded animal that drinks its mother’s milk and has hair. A seal is a mammal. Name another mammal.
rescued Something that is rescued is saved from danger. A rescued a dog that was caught in a broken fence. What is a word that means the same as rescued?
hunger Someone who feels hunger feels a strong need to eat. The lost dog felt sick from hunger. When have you felt hunger?
normal Something that is normal happens in a regular or healthy way. The doctor checks your heartbeat to make sure it is normal. Name a word that means the same as normal.
young When something is young, it is at an early time of its life. Our young kitten was born today. What word means the opposite of young?