1 Grown Up Leadership Presented by: Maureen Bailey
2 Leadership is a technical specialty that requires as much learning as the expertise required in your individual field.
3 “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent but rather the most responsive to change.” -Charles Darwin
4 Grown Up Table
5 Characteristics of an Effective and Ineffective Leader
6 “The main difference between effective and ineffective leaders at the top of organizations is the degree of interpersonal sensitivity displayed by the leader.” -Morgan McCall, University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business
7 Recipe: Maturity Versatility Relationship Based Leadership
8 Self Awareness: A Prerequisite for Grown Up Leadership “What we believe about ourselves can hold us hostage…We do not see things as they are…we see them as WE are.” -Rachel Naomi Remen
9 Intimidator or Accommodator
10 “The contents of our unconscious are constantly being projected into our surroundings.” -Carl Jung
11 A_________ B_________ C_________ D_________
12 Awareness Acceptance Action
13 “Our ability to grow is directly proportional to an ability to entertain the uncomfortable.” -Twyla Tharp
14 “We can’t connect to the world around us unless we first connect with ourselves.” -Melody Beattie