Author: Pat Cummings Genre: Realistic Fiction The Farmer in the Hat Big Question: How do we learn together at school? Author: Pat Cummings Genre: Realistic Fiction
Small Group Timer
Big Question: How do we learn together at school? Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
The Farmer in the Hat Day 1
Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 1 Daily Fix-it bob is in my class Can he work wit me. Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 1
Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 1 Daily Fix-it bob is in my class Bob is in my class. Can he work wit me. Can he work with me? Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 1
Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 1 Morning Warm-up School is a good place. We all learn new things. No one is left out. How do we learn together at school? Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 1
Unit 2 A Farmer in the Hat – Day 1 Good Classmates We are polite. We show respect. We say please, Share with ease. When we work in any group, We never fight or tease. We all treat each other well, Show concern, Wait our turn, All our classmates are good friends. We help each other learn. Unit 2 A Farmer in the Hat – Day 1
Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 1 Amazing Words group – A group is a number of people or things that belong together. respect – When you show respect, you show that you think a lot of someone or something. share – To share means to let someone else have, use, or do something. Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 1
Long a (CVCe) cat man tape t a p tame t a m save s a v make m a k crate cr a t snake sn a k CVCe
Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 1 Word Work ate a t e face f a c e name n a m e rake r a k e game g a m e state st a t e trade tr a d e shape sh a p e Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 1
Word Reading - Long a gave take tall bake gas grape plate base talk shade map van tame plane skate Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 1
Unit 2 A Farmer in the Hat – Day 1 1. Reading WB page 73 2. Spelling WB page 29 3. Journal – Write about your favorite activities at school. 4. AR test 5. Centers Unit 2 A Farmer in the Hat – Day 1
Learning Together at School Helping One Another Sharing Playing Together Unit 2 A Farmer in the Hat – Day 1
Write about your favorite activities at school. Daily Journal Writing Write about your favorite activities at school.
The Farmer in the Hat Day 2
Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 2 Daily Fix-it tina helps me at school Hse is my friend? Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 2
Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 2 Daily Fix-it tina helps me at school Tina helps me at school. Hse is my friend? He is my friend. Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 2
Unit 2 A Farmer in the Hat – Day 2 Morning Warm-up Let’s pretend to take a walk in a city. Think about all the things you can see. What will we talk about when we get home? Unit 2 A Farmer in the Hat – Day 2
Unit 2 A Farmer in the Hat – Day 2 Amazing Words aquarium – An aquarium is a place where you can see fish and underwater animals. Unit 2 A Farmer in the Hat – Day 2
cape game cent pencil face f a s c/s and g/j cape game cent pencil face f a s gem ginger page p a ge
Word Work age c a ge cage l a ce lace w a ge wage pl a ce place st a ge stage a ge age r a ce race p a ce pace sp a ce space tr a ce trace age
Word Reading c/s, g/j stage place cage lace cake got brace page race call gem wage cent gas Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 2
Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 2 1. Reading WB pages 74, 75, 76 2. Spelling WB page 30 3. Journal – Make a list of school rules. Add a new rule to the list. 4. AR test 5. Centers Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 2
Make a list of school rules. Daily Journal Writing Make a list of school rules.
The Farmer in the Hat Day 3
Daily Fix-it The cat has the Hat jake can mak a mask. Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 3
Daily Fix-it The cat has the Hat The cat has the hat. 6. jake can mak a mask. Jake can make a mask. Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 3
Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 3 Morning Warm-up Today we will read about a group of children who put on a class play. They know how to share and work together. How does our class work together? Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 3
Amazing Words borrow – When you borrow something, you may take it to use, but you must give it back. Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 3 Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 3
Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 3 Long a and c/s, g/j lake CVCe race c/s wage g/j safe vase cage face Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 3
Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 3 My Favorite Place I wake up every morning With a huge smile on my face, I dress and eat and race to school. It is my favorite place. I say “Hi” to my classmates and Take out my pencil case. I am ready to start school. I can quickly do a math page, Sing a song out on the school stage. I know lots for someone my age. I learned it all in school. Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 3
Long a Short a Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 3
Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 3
Costumes and masks can help people look more like the characters in a play. The characters in the story we are about to read are putting on a play about a farm. We’ll find out what happens when several children want to play the same part. Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 3
Vocabulary MacDonald squeak farmer gerbil
High Frequency Words could for be one horse was paper said old you Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 3
Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 3 1. Reading WB page 77 2. Spelling WB page 31 3. Journal – Pretend you are a farm animal that can talk. Write what animal you are and what you might say to a farmer. 4. AR test 5. Centers Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 3
Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 3 The have hat I. Can pig you be a. Masks make must we. Made face a Dave. Duck a Max mask makes. Max makes a duck mask. Grace stands on the stage. On Grace the stands stage. Put children on a the play. The children put on a play. Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 3
Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 3 Noun Proper Noun girl boy cat Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 3
Write about being a farm animal that can talk. Daily Journal Writing Write about being a farm animal that can talk.
The Farmer in the Hat Day 4
Daily Fix-it dave made a cak. Did pam help. Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 4
Daily Fix-it dave made a cak. Dave made a cake. Did pam help. Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 4
Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 4 Morning Warm-up Boys and girls work together at school. Today we will read about a club where children take care of pigs, cows, and hens. Do you think working together can be fun? Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 4
Share Literature lines rehearsals soothes Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 4
Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 4 Amazing Words lines – Lines are the words an actor speaks. rehearsal – A rehearsal is a practice. soothe – When you soothe something, you make it feel better. Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 4
short a sound of a in ball ship thin tall short a sound of a in ball Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 4
Word Reading two what mall yellow catch path no that fat glass shop go and good walk fish put cap look want Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 4
Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 4 Read Words in Context That is a good way to catch two fat fish. No! I do not want to put on a yellow cap. Go to the mall and look in the glass shop. What is the best path to walk? Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 4
Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 4 1. Reading WB page 78, 79 2. Spelling WB page 32 3. Journal – Write what might happen next in “The Farmer in the Hat”. 4. AR test Centers Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 4
Write what might happen next in “The Farmer in the Hat.” Daily Journal Writing Write what might happen next in “The Farmer in the Hat.”
The Farmer in the Hat Day 5
Daily Fix-it the cat has the Hat. I will mak a mask Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 5
Daily Fix-it the cat has the Hat. The cat has the hat. 10. I will mak a mask I will make a mask. Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 5
Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 5 Morning Warm-up This week we read about working together at school. What do we share as a group? How can we show respect for our classmates? Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 5
Review – Long a and c/s/, g/j/ The ape will shake her cage. Fill in the space on page two. Take my pet snake to a safe place. Will you face the back of the stage? Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 5
be paper horse old could I neigh, neigh, neigh all around. _______________ I am the opposite of new. ___________ I rhyme with would. ____________ I rhyme with she and he. ____________ I come from trees. ______________ Unit 2 Farmer in the Hat - Day 5
Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 5 Handwriting sheet 2. Journal – Write about a time when you had fun with your classmates. 3. AR test 4. Centers Unit 2 The Farmer in the Hat – Day 5
Write about when you had fun with classmates. Daily Journal Writing Write about when you had fun with classmates.