Part III: Your Government at Work!


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Presentation transcript:

Part III: Your Government at Work! The U.S. Constitution Part III: Your Government at Work!

U.S. Congress OGT Vocab! U.S. Congress is a bicameral legislature House of Representatives & the U.S. Senate legislature consisting of 2 houses

House of Reps. 435 members each state represented based on population (min. of 1) Congressmen have a 2 year term

Senate 100 members (2 from each state) each state is represented equally Senators have a 6 year term

Congress at Work Each house works independently House & Senate divide the work by “Committee” Debates are held & votes are taken on the floor (C-Span) Speaker of the House VP - Pres. Of Senate

The Presidency Executive branch = President Elected to 4 year term Limited to 2 terms Elected by the “Electoral College”

President at Work President has many jobs Enforces Laws (Executive) Head of State Commander-in-Chief Chief Diplomat Suggests Laws Cabinet: advisors

Federal Courts 3 levels of courts Supreme Court 9 Justices - Serve for life Appointed by Pres. approved by Senate Original Jurisdiction & Appeals