RELAXATION/ENERGIZATION: CALMING DOWN AND FIRING UP Damon Burton & Bernie Holliday Vandal Sport Psychology Services University of Idaho
WHAT IS RELAXATION? Relaxation is the ability to decrease unwanted muscular tension, reduce excessive activation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), and calm the mind by eliminating unwanted thoughts.
RELAXATION RESPONSE the process of learning how to relax your muscles and reduce autonomic activation symptoms when needed.
BASIC RELAXATION MODEL Total Relaxation use any technique you want take as long as you need to reach an “8” or above Conditioning pair relaxation “cue word” with deep levels of relaxation (i.e., “8” or above) Rapid Relaxation use cue words and deep diaphragmic breathing to trigger relaxation in 3-5 seconds
BENEFITS OF RAPID RELAXATION help athletes perform better, promote better arousal control, deal with pressure and let go of mistakes, prompt a more unconscious, trusting attitude, focus on the present and feel more in control, conserve energy, and increase enjoyment by reducing tension and stress.
BENEFITS OF TOTAL RELAXATION alleviate chronic stress and enjoy life more fully, promote recovery from workouts and injuries, enhance the quality of sleep, particularly before competition or on the road, and develop rapid relaxation skills.
COMMON RELAXATION STRATEGIES diaphragmic breathing imagery relaxation, progressive muscle relaxation, self-directed relaxation, biofeedback, hypnosis, and music.
CHOOSING A RELAXATION STRATEGY effective – relax as much as need to ensure you perform your best. fast – lower tension levels quickly in 3-5 seconds or less, and personalized – individualize strategies to maximize enjoyment and meet your specific needs.
WHAT IS ENERGIZATION? Energization is the ability to arouse the body by increasing muscular strength and power, stimulate the activation of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), and invigorate the mind with energizing thoughts.
ENERGIZATION RESPONSE the process of speeding up heart rate and respiration, increasing sweating, stimulating greater blood flow to the muscles, and enhancing automated brain activity.
BASIC ENERGIZATION MODEL Total Energization use any technique you want take as long as you need to reach an “8” or above Conditioning pair energization “cue word” with elevated energization levels (i.e., “8” or above) Rapid Energization use cue words and quick, psych-up breathing to trigger energization in 3-5 seconds
BENEFITS OF ENERGIZATION provide a performance advantage, control arousal, enhance concentration, and elevate confidence, particularly for performing well when tired, when encountering adversity, or dealing with low energy levels.develop rapid relaxation skills.
COMMON ENERGIZATION STRATEGIES “psych up” breathing imagery energization, energy machine energization, healing white light energization, and music
CHOOSING AN ENERGIZATION STRATEGY effective – energize as much as need to ensure you perform your best. fast – raise energy levels quickly in 3-5 seconds or less, and personalized – individualize strategies to maximize enjoyment and meet your specific needs.