European Research Conference Access to Housing for Homeless People in Europe York, 21st September 2012 "First steps towards the setting up of a Housing First project in Brussels » Lucie Martin & Sébastien Alexandre SMES-B Insert your logo here
European Research Conference Access to Housing for Homeless People in Europe York, 21st September 2012 Plan Historic overview and partners Objectives & Methodology Brussels and Homelessness Towards a micro experimental project Conclusions Follow up : applications
European Research Conference Access to Housing for Homeless People in Europe York, 21st September 2012 Brussels & Homelessness Context: paradox: rich city and high level of poverty (growing inequalities, unemployment, housing crisis, increasing homelessness) Homeless Sector: Real mosaic, fragmented and diverse, institutional complexity Cross-cutting (criteria = « lack of housing ») Crossed by different philosophies of social work Politicized & surprisingly neglected by politics? Mainly organized according to the « scale approach » General idea: « not ready for housing », « care first » However: internal and external criticism (various reports denounce paradoxes and necessity to change the orientation of actions)
European Research Conference Access to Housing for Homeless People in Europe York, 21st September 2012 Brussels: Growing interest vs. generalized unawareness No national plan to tackle homelessness, contrary to a national plan to combat poverty No “housing first programme” Very small-scale but actual projects working on access from the street to permanent housing (often understood as housing first) (less than 10 % of the budget) BUT Critics on scale approaches Growing use of and interest in the concept BUT political & associative unawareness and misinterpretation Examples: comments on reports, wrong use, « dignity first »
European Research Conference Access to Housing for Homeless People in Europe York, 21st September 2012 Action & Research? Historic review of the project: - From 8 studios of a social housing company - Interest for housing first model and knowledge - Towards a short exploratory action research Partners : active in housing and homelessness sectors Foyer Schaerbeekois SMES-B (Cellule d’appui) Fami-Hôme SASLS Diogènes Puerto Les Petits Riens
European Research Conference Access to Housing for Homeless People in Europe York, 21st September 2012 Objectives Understanding and sharing the concept of housing first (philosophy, ambitions, fundamental principles) Evaluate the relevance of a housing oriented policy in Brussels to tackle homelessness Identify existing resources Evaluate the feasibility and design its realisation Identify key questions, points of consensus and dissensus, raise scenarios, suggest perspectives Towards the setting up of a micro experimental project or more…
European Research Conference Access to Housing for Homeless People in Europe York, 21st September 2012 Towards a micro experimantal project? Objectives: Make field experience emerge (on public care, housing support etc.) Discuss ambitions, shared precepts on the creation of a housing first project Discuss possible applications and technical matters (resources and philosophy etc.) Identify points of dissensus and consensus
European Research Conference Access to Housing for Homeless People in Europe York, 21st September 2012 Methodology 4 phases: Exploratory meeting with partners Collective meeting and work on proposals Writing Concrete follow-up of the « research » Bottom-up approach : discuss Brussels reality and share expertise, state of affairs, issues at stake Action oriented approach: for a follow-up of the work Very limited time: part-time for 2 months Local and concrete perspective From field to literature & vice versa
European Research Conference Access to Housing for Homeless People in Europe York, 21st September 2012 Expertise – experience returns Housing : a necessary condition, not a solution From street to home : flexible, continuous support, always re-negociated Support does not stop once housed Loneliness: a cause of return to street Importance of environment Networking and activation of existing resources Clarity and transparency of stakeholders and rules Framing and supervision of workers
European Research Conference Access to Housing for Homeless People in Europe York, 21st September 2012 Action research? Identifying controversies Level of action: Regional context for global change or a micro experimental project from existing resources? Fundamental questions: Public concerned: General or specialized? Type of support: ACT or ICM? Teams involved: multidisciplinary or monodisciplinary? What selection? What conditions?
European Research Conference Access to Housing for Homeless People in Europe York, 21st September 2012 Conclusions of the research Change of paradigm needed Micro experimental project as a way to promote and test new model Necessity to carry on reflection at regional level Need for more research Integration & adequation to Brussels specificity : articulation with existing resources Learning from abroad Nothing without prevention: on consistency of the whole. Consideration on evaluation
European Research Conference Access to Housing for Homeless People in Europe York, 21st September 2012 Follow-up through 3 projects Micro-project of Housing First in Brussels Setting-up of a debate on the Housing First in Brussels Updating of the National Plan against Poverty >>> implementation of the Housing First in 5 cities Federal research aiming to evaluate its implementation.
Microproject of Housing First Very micro: only 6 appartments. However, the first step to win others over! Various partners (social housing, social care, mental health, medical care, addiction, etc.) Working in network, around two full-time psychosocial professionals hired by the project. >>> ICM. Project defined in August. Funding: in preparation Setting-up: January 2013???
Conference In 2013 Partners coming from the homelessness and poverty sector but also more broadly from the health and social fields Aiming to encourage the partners to debate on the housing access One of the subjects will be the Housing First Outcome: broader sharing of what is the Housing First, how accurate it is to the situation in Brussels, and how it can be implemented.
National Plan Poverty: update Previous National Plan: 2008 Update in 2012 with opportunity for the field to make proposals Our proposal has been accepted: 5 Housing First in 5 cities + Federal Research on its implementation. Follow-up through work on the implementation in Brussels + on the Federal Research.
Conclusions The research has been an oppurtunity to investigate the question of the Housing First in Brussels with several partners The follow-up has been more concrete, through the setting- up of a pilot project. In order to reinforce this project, we seized the opportunity to evaluate and comparen with federal partners to make this project known and to discuss it with the broader fields that could be involved. However, surprise can always appear...