Incident Commanders’ Radio Interface ICRITM A Veteran-Owned Small Business Tactical Voice Communications Interoperability for FEMA USAR Teams October 4, 2012 Briefing Seamless radio communications with other federal public safety assets including National Guard CST, CERFP, and FSRT, and state/municipal emergency responders Incident Commanders’ Radio Interface ICRITM ® Made in the U.S.A
The ICRI Solution to a multitude of FEMA USAR team tactical problems… Rapidly interconnects FEMA with (a) National Guard and other federal asset radios, (b) municipal/state public safety radios, (c) land-line/cell/satellite telephones, even when power and computer infrastructure are unavailable. ICRI provides a rugged, highly portable, radio cross-band (HF, VHF, UHF, 7-900MHz), cross platform (digital/analog, trunked /talk-around, AM/FM) capability for mutual aid operations including with those having different encryption “keys.” Enhance the radio link between USAR team members working in areas of poor RF propagation (inside-outside buildings, tunnels) and remotely located Leaders by serving as a rapidly field-able “repeater.”
The Equipment (Patented) Small, rugged package/circuitry Highly portable Rapidly deployable (under 5 minutes) Multiple radio interconnect without adding technical complexity Minimal “operator” training Wide range of power sources (including “AA” batteries) Low cost in equipment , allocated manpower, sustainment requirements A component of the multiple USAR and all WMD-CST ADVON caches since 2002
ICRI…as a rapidly deployable repeater… …using a team’s existing cache radios in support of tunnel and large structure entries where RF propagation is poor or non-existent 5.5 lbs Tactical Repeater - water-proof, no over-packing required 8”x 12” x 11” Two Radio I/O ports + telephone or IRIDIUM port + handset Internal “AA” battery housing provides a 24+ hour duty cycle
Repeater/relay Functional Diagram BLUE: RF* GREEN: AUDIO LEVEL and BUFFER* GREY: ‘KEYING’ LOGIC/CONTROL* LT. RED: SQUELCH TAIL BLOCKING* * adjustable Repeater/relay Functional Diagram Entry team 2-way radios frequency “A” transmitting to one another and to radio on reel 2-way radio on reel receiving frequency “A Automatic gain control ICRI Functional Diagram Blue: RF Green: Audio level and buffer* Orange: ‘Keying’ logic/control* Violet: Squelch tail blocking* * adjustable 2-way radios receiving frequency “B” or trunking assigned channel VOX with tail timer ICRI 2-way radio connected to repeater/relay transmitting frequency “B” or trunking assigned channel to radios at ground level Audio buffer/delay Muting
Rapidly deployable, reliable radio communications from confined spaces-to-BOO…up to 5000’ into a tunnel… Cache radio on conventional channel
…or rapidly configured as an intra-team range extender for the vehicles in a long task force deployment caravan
”Isaac-ready” ICRI… 7.0 lbs 10.5” x 9.5” x 6.0” WATERPROOF, SAND-PROOF Internal housing for eight (8) “AA” alkaline/primary batteries provide an 24+ hour duty cycle; also uses external DC (7-31V) Five Radio I/O ports + telephone or IRIDIUM port + handset ICRI-E (DoD Guardian II Force Protection selection)
Multi-agency radios linked to LightSquared MSAT-G2 through ICRI All versions of the ICRI can be connected to a G2 terminal via G2’s RJ45 handset port. The G2 headset connects to an RJ45 jack on the ICRI interface cable No external power source requirement Model LMR-G2… connects a cache radio to MSAT-G2
ICRI Capabilities… LOS and BLOS Encrypted Radio Communications with National Guard Personnel and FEMA HQ XTL5000 FEMA USAR personnel Encryption key “X” Change to RC radios if applicable ICRI-WFM MSAT G2 CST/CERFP/HRF Encryption key “Y” RC FlexNet Equipment not shown to scale
Extending Situational Awareness Line-Of-Sight Radio Communications Link to Beyond-Line-Of Sight Using commercial satellite Commercial BGAN terminal 2-wire connection ICRI Gateway
All versions of the ICRI can be rapidly BGAN INMARSAT terminal with analog handset To ICRI’s 2-wire audio I/O port All versions of the ICRI can be rapidly connected to a BGAN terminal via the analog telephone jack (a parallel connection with the phone. Alternately, the ICRI can be configured with an internal PSTN circuit and a keypad. 2-wire RJ-11 port
Certifications and Approvals JFCOM ’05 CWID recommended for immediate deployment RCMP Qualified Products list USAF Force Protection Battlelab USMC Warfighter Lab DICE Certified EPG CEDAP selected technology EPF CTAC selected technology AEL/SEL approved SAFECOM Rapidcom 9/30 SoR V1.0 and 1.1 (draft version)
Comments from the Field… The ICRI is easy for first responders to use unlike other gateway devices that must be set up by a trained Comm-t or radios shop personnel. LeRoy Sisley Seattle Fire Department, WATF-01 USAR Communications Technician Our team conducted a training LANES at a harden bunker with 12 inch reinforced concrete walls. We were task with conducting a CBRNE RECON of the downstairs of the bunker. Additionally, due to the possible communication challenges that can arise with using line of sight two ways radio in this type of building the ICRI-2P was deployed. Compared to the similar systems I have used in the passed, I found the ICRI-2P to be easier to deploy in Personnel Protective Equipment. It was compact and light weight; no one on the team had any problems carrying the equipment down range. Likewise, while in the building the RECON team was able to effectively communicate back to the Survey Team Command Trailer. SFC Robert Phipps ( Commo Chief 23rd WMD-CST Christiansted, VI 00820 The Incident Commanders’ Radio Interface (ICRI) from Communications-Applied Technology was found to be a useful communications tool for the taskforce. The ICRI is light, small, and easily packed in the cache. Its phone patch capability could provide first responders with direct communications to resources that would be available only by phone to radio relay. This could prove valuable in the WMD environment. It also allows connection to other agencies or operations with very little setup time or communications knowledge. All tests, on usable radio/phone systems, with the ICRI provided good reliable communications DHS Emergency Response Technology Program Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Operational Test and Evaluation. This report summarizes an evaluation of the ICRI by Fairfax County Virginia Urban Search and Rescue FEMA Task Force 1.
Comments from the Field… Coalition Warrior Interoperability Demonstration “In all, CWID '05 had 49 trials with 39 of them applicable to USNORTHCOM and its HLS/D coalition partners’ missions. This After Action Report (AAR) details the assessment results for 26 trials we identified as most promising from a HLS/D perspective. Of the 26 trials, USNORTHCOM recommends 3 trials for JFCOM consideration as input to the Transformation Change Proposal (TCP) process for further evaluation and funding. The nominated trials highlighted in this AAR are: Weapons of Mass Destruction Common Operational Picture (WMD COP) Multi-level-secure Information Infrastructure (MI2) Incident Commander Radio Interface (ICRI) …Use of ICRI will enhance relationships between USNORTHCOM, its subordinate JTFs, the National Guard and local and state emergency operations centers by providing the ability to rapidly link the communications systems used by civil agencies and those systems used by military first responders.” HQ USNORTHCOM, CWID ’05 After Action Report
Additional HLS/HLD activities…
For Additional Information… G. Seth Leyman Communications-Applied Technology 11250-14 Roger Bacon Drive, Reston, VA, 20190 Voice: 703-481-0068; Fax: 703-471-4428 e-mail: Website: CAGE Code: 0EEY2, TIN: 54-1215868 DOL Veteran-owned, Small Business SIC 3669 MADE IN THE U.S.A