Blended Learning at IMU: an update
Workshop (end-2006) Decision Develop exemplars in blended learning Develop an integrated UMIS-VLE (commercial) to be hosted in Bt Jalil Develop an open source CMS to be hosted outside IMU Bt Jalil
Developments in 2007 Purchased Captivate, Articulate (with Quiz maker)and Mind Manager; conducted some training programmes Moodle (an OS LMS) was launched and made available to programme managers for hosting their learning content (hosted externally on Skali, an established web hosting service provider)
Moodle Nursing made available digital resources and learning activities to B. Nursing students Clinical School made available Study Guides Phase I timetables and Lectures were moved tto Moodle Postgraduate Dept made available research modules to off-campus students Pharmacy started e-PBLs
Integrated UMIS-VLE Negotiations with OUM to use their integrated campus management system (which included a LMS) have been ended following failure to reach a satisfactory arrangement in spite of several months of negotiations – mainly due to OUM being unable to satisfactorily commit to deliver product meeting IMUs specifications IMU will now implement CMS, FIS, HRS and Moodle to meet its information system requirements
Videoconferencing VC established between BJ, BP and Seremban CS to support Sem 10 students and for administrative purposes. Unanticipated success and demand for more time slots cannot be met. Expansion and upgrading of VC connections and equipment to take place early in 2008
AIR and MOFA Existing online education activities continue to be available. Large number of additional questions added. However these will have to move to Moodle in the coming year in stages. Several hundred RLOs have been moved to Moodle and are accessible by academic staff. A resource of many additional RLOs from commercial sources have been accumulated.
Others Community of Practice for Paediatrics hosted on MSN groups; now being moved to Moodle Blog to support learning activities of Sem 10 students ( Web 2.0 E-Learning 2.0 (blogs, wikis, podcasts, U-tube, ustream, Skype, etc) – interactivity, collaboration, feedback, learner- centric
New E-Learning Projects Dietetics and Nutrition Statistics Health Informatics Medical Literature
Development of E-Learning Team E-Learning Team: Manager, Multimedia Designer, Junior Multimedia Designer, Analyst Programmer and Media Officer + (to come) medical instructional designer
Professional Development and Benchmarking Visit to University of Queensland Faculty of Medicine CME Workshops – E-Learning 2.0 – Optimising E-Learning Strategy Training: E-Moderation, Office, E-Learning