Community Involvement In And Bottom-Up Approaches To Decision-Making An NGO Perspective
Community Involvement and Bottom-Up Approaches to Decision-Making 1) International Agreements/Declaration/Plans 2) Inter-American Strategy for the Promotion of Public Participation in Decision-Making 3) Fundamental Challenges to Community Involvement 4) Best Practices
International Agreements/Declarations/ Plans ๕ Principle 10 of the 1992 Rio Declaration ๕ Agenda 21 ๕ 1994 POA of Global Conference on Sustainable Development of SIDS ๕ 1996 Santa Cruz Summit on Sustainable Development ๕ 1998 Santiago Summit of the Americas
Inter-American Strategy for Promotion of Public Participation چ Proactivity چ Inclusiveness چ Shared Responsibility چ Openness Throughout the Process چ Access چ Transparency چ Respect for Public Input
IAS Policy Recommendations Create/strengthen communication mechanisms Expand legal and regulatory frameworks Develop/support institutional structures, policies and procedures Develop/strengthen capacity of individuals Procure/expand financial resources Create/strengthen opportunities for public participation
Fundamental Challenges to Community Involvement Illiteracy (ALTA) Lack of Access to ICTs (CNIRD) Non-User Friendly Information (CNIRD)
Fundamental Challenges to Community Involvement Exclusion from Data Collection (Cropper Foundation) Conflict Management (CANARI) Ad Hoc Consultation (CNIRD)
Best Practices ALTA, Trinidad Adult literacy classes nationwide CNIRD, Trinidad & Tobago ICT Training for rural communities; Rural Link-Up; Communication/Consultation networks at community level The Cropper Foundation, Trinidad Community involvement in collection and dissemination of information
Best Practices SAD for Toco, Trinidad Influencing national decision-making at community level CANARI, Trinidad Conflict management training/documentation The Ocean Conservancy, Global ICC, largest one-day volunteer effort for the ocean
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