RYERSON UNIVERSITY 2 Biological Safety Training – Certificate Holder and User Training 3. SETTING UP A LAB Topics Covered: Approval and Designation of Containment Level and Locations Ryerson Biosafety Certificate EquipmentTraining Contingency Planning
RYERSON UNIVERSITY 3 Biological Safety Training – Certificate Holder and User Training 3. SETTING UP A LAB Designation of Location Biological Safety Training – Certificate Holder and User Training 3. SETTING UP A LAB Designation of Location PHAC & CFIA regulates the classification of rooms based on level of hazard Approval of laboratory design and classification of containment level –CL1 and CL2 level areas authorized by Biological Safety Officer –CL3 and CL4 areas require certification from PHAC for human pathogens and CFIA for animal pathogens
RYERSON UNIVERSITY 4 Biolgocial Safety Training – Certificate Holder and User Training 3. SETTING UP A LAB Biosafety Certificate Before work begins with biological agents, an application for a Ryerson Biosafety Certificate is required to be submitted to the Biological Safety Officer Ryerson Biosafety Certificate Ryerson Biosafety Certificate reviewed and approved by BSO on behalf of the Biological Safety Committee
RYERSON UNIVERSITY 5 Biological Safety Training – Certificate Holder and User Training 3. SETTING UP A LAB Equipment Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC) may be required in Containment Level 2 facilities: dependant on organism being used, amounts, procedures and potential for aerosol generation Certificate Holder to ensure BSC is certified prior to lab staff working with agents.
RYERSON UNIVERSITY 6 Biological Safety Training – Certificate Holder and User Training 3. SETTING UP A LAB Training Certificate Holder responsible to: ensure that all lab personnel working with biological agents be trained on University policies and procedures and successfully complete an examination prior to commencing any work with biohazards. ensure that all lab personnel working with biological agents be trained on University policies and procedures and successfully complete an examination prior to commencing any work with biohazards. supervise and document all hands-on lab training involving experimental procedures, techniques, etc.
RYERSON UNIVERSITY 7 Biological Safety Training – Certificate Holder and User Training 3. SETTING UP A LAB Contingency Planning Utility failure may affect sample storage or an experiment: Certificate Holder is required to provide Campus Planning with information and guidance for contingency planning for agents stored under the Certificate Holder’s control Certificate Holder is required to provide Campus Planning with information and guidance for contingency planning for agents stored under the Certificate Holder’s control Preplanning should include backup systems (e.g. power) or prearranged movement of samples into other unaffected secure areasPreplanning should include backup systems (e.g. power) or prearranged movement of samples into other unaffected secure areas