Rev Up Your Revenues Presented By Pat Fournier And Georgeen Ibarra For Illinois ASBO
Why Increase Revenues? Revenues offset expenses.Revenues offset expenses. Resulting income helps to improve offerings in the lunchroom.Resulting income helps to improve offerings in the lunchroom. Improved offerings in the lunchroom improve revenue streams.Improved offerings in the lunchroom improve revenue streams. Improved revenue streams create a self- sustaining, continuously improving school food service environment.Improved revenue streams create a self- sustaining, continuously improving school food service environment.
A self-sustaining school food service department allows tax dollars to remain in the classroom.A self-sustaining school food service department allows tax dollars to remain in the classroom.
School Food Service is a not for profit operation and should be run as such. Remember that income generated from the sale of school breakfasts and lunches must accrue to the school’s food service accounts. However, not for profit does not mean your kitchens must operate at a loss.
Limitations and Barriers To Food Service Revenue Generation
Changing State and Federal regulatory environment. Rule changes already in effect and currently pending, particularly regarding ala carte. Evolving nutritional regulations. Existing Food Service Contracts both internal and external District Wellness Policies
Gauge The Audience
In order to identify opportunities. In order to determine levels of disposable income. In order to understand and limit competition within a school building.
Revving Up Your Revenues
Employ part-time staff to save on benefit costs.Employ part-time staff to save on benefit costs. Develop and implement a customer service program for employees.Develop and implement a customer service program for employees. Develop performance criteria and objectively evaluate staff using same.Develop performance criteria and objectively evaluate staff using same. Employ experienced managers.Employ experienced managers. Staff and Kitchen Management
Create short- and long-term capital improvement plans for all facilities.Create short- and long-term capital improvement plans for all facilities. Develop and follow routine / preventative maintenance plan.Develop and follow routine / preventative maintenance plan. Staff and Kitchen Management
In the Cafeteria Make sure that prices are correctly set.Make sure that prices are correctly set. Save for and purchase a POS system.Save for and purchase a POS system. Use local vendors to add to your ala carte choices. Many will work to NSLP guidelines and provide nutritional information.Use local vendors to add to your ala carte choices. Many will work to NSLP guidelines and provide nutritional information. Create an annual calendar of events and special meal days to boost participation.Create an annual calendar of events and special meal days to boost participation.
Partner with parent organizations to regularly award students with “cafeteria cash.”Partner with parent organizations to regularly award students with “cafeteria cash.” Develop in-house catering menu and streamlined methodology for production and delivery of these services.Develop in-house catering menu and streamlined methodology for production and delivery of these services. In the Cafeteria
Purchasing Take full advantage of commodity dollars.Take full advantage of commodity dollars. Attend annual commodity seminars. Use Value Pass-Through Purchasing DOD Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Shop produce locally.Shop produce locally. Examine purchasing cooperatives.Examine purchasing cooperatives.
Finally … Ensure that food service contracts have provision for commodity credits.Ensure that food service contracts have provision for commodity credits. Take advantage of grant opportunities.Take advantage of grant opportunities. Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Breakfast Start-Up Maximize lunch applications.Maximize lunch applications. Sell or obtain trade-in value for used equipment.Sell or obtain trade-in value for used equipment.
Really, and Truly Finally Don’t be afraid to run school food service like a business. Your customers will benefit from improved customer service and lunch offerings. Your stakeholders will benefit from a self- sustaining food service operation that drives limited tax dollars into the classroom where they belong.
Have a Great Conference!