Joining it all up: Information management in a virtual world Kate Fernie HEIRNET
Historic Environment Information Resources Network HEIRNET
What is an HEIR anyway?
Problems for users: HEIRNET Where do you begin? Lots of separate resources Analogue & digital Variable promotion
HEIRNET Joining it all up: first steps
Joining it all up: next steps
CANMORESCRAN ADS Portable Antiquities
Joined up doing = interoperability HEIRNET PAS Canmore ADS SCRAN Content Happy User HEIRPORTHEIRPORT Single access point Network services Aggregate content Standards…
Interoperability = Standards Z39.50, Dublin Core, Bath profile, CIMI profile, XML etc. Semantics Agreement between partners How are we doing it? HEIRNET Target specification:
How difficult it is? Technology is tried & tested Standards exist Becoming easier to implement The content is there HEIRNET But…
Whose portal is it anyway? Interoperability = people Decision makers Techies Curators Users HEIRNET
Decision makers Strategy Bid for resources Staff training & development Image Agree to collaborate HEIRNET
The techies
The curators Quality assure resources Develop vocabularies Mediate content Support users HEIRNET
Logs suggest good take up The user paradox Learning & teaching What is the market? Users HEIRNET
Developments HEIRNET
Strategic development Agreements between sectors Language Finding resources Issues HEIRNET
Any questions? HEIRNET Kate Fernie