Brussels, November 14 th 2005 Laura Carpineti – Research Uniti of Consip Consip and SMEs The “Sportello Imprese” Project
2 SMEs in the EU The Rationalization Programme Participation of SMEs to the Programme The “Sportello Imprese” Project Outline Small and Medium Enterprises in the European Union The Rationalization Programme on Public Expenditure Participation of SMEs to the Programme The “Sportello Imprese” Project
3 SMEs in the EU The Rationalization Programme Participation of SMEs to the Programme The “Sportello Imprese” Project SMEs in the European Union The Small and Medium Enterprises play a crucial role in the European Economy… Relevant data about SMEs in European Union (15)* * Source: EU,0bservatory of European SMEs: “SMEs in Europe 2003” In 2003 there were more than 19 million enterprises in Europe providing a job for almost 140 million people By contrast, there are only about large enterprises in existence, which account for only 0.2 % of all enterprises The vast majority of enterprises in Europe are SMEs (99.8 %) Within the group of SMEs, over 90 % are micro enterprises, employing fewer than 10 people.
4 SMEs in the EU The Rationalization Programme Participation of SMEs to the Programme The “Sportello Imprese” Project Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Portugal Spain Sweden UK EU Number of SMEs (1000) Italy hosts the highest number of SMEs in Europe (absolute value) An efficient “Public Procurement strategy” must pay attention to the involvement of SMEs SMEs in the European Union
5 SMEs in the EU The Rationalization Programme Participation of SMEs to the Programme The “Sportello Imprese” Project Objectives Process Simplification Cost saving Service efficiency and quality The development of “3-level strategy” is based on full involvement of SMEs Focus on quality Wide range of options within contracts Systematic service levels assessment Shortening tender process On-line ordering (e- procurement) Close to zero time to market Exploit economies of scale through demand aggregation and standardization of purchases Competitiveness The Italian “Rationalization Programme on Public Spending for Goods and Services” aims at reaching 3 main objectives through focused strategies… The Rationalization Programme – Objectives and strategies
6 SMEs in the EU The Rationalization Programme Participation of SMEs to the Programme The “Sportello Imprese” Project FRAME CONTRACTS MARKETPLACE SUPPORT ON PA SPECIFIC NEEDS AB C The Rationalization Programme - instruments The Rationalization Programme is based on three main instruments E-PROCUREMENT PLATFORM Electronic Shops e-Marketplacee-Marketplace Purchases within frame contract Direct Purchases “One to many” approach Features: Large volumes Demand aggregation Standardized Low price volatility Slow obsolescence On-line Auctions Development of Frame contracts or ASP towards other administrations Automatic economic and technical tender evaluation Features: Specialized High price volatility Rapid obsolescence Purchases below the EU threshold Direct Purchase or RFQ “Many to Many” approach Supplier defined e-Catalogue Features: Low cost Small volumes Above and Below EU thresholdBelow EU threshold
7 SMEs in the EU The Rationalization Programme Participation of SMEs to the Programme The “Sportello Imprese” Project Initiatives Focus In order to involve SMEs in the Programme, Consip designed - up to now - several instruments (Technicalities & Initiatives) “SOURCING TABLES”, working groups – between Consip and Trade Unions – on product categories covered by the Programme SEMINARS ABOUT THE PROGRAMME with interested parties “SPORTELLO IMPRESE PROJECT”, it means… …Development of structures that support enterprises in full participating in the Programme …Constant and permanent support across the whole country on Programme’s instruments …Wide cooperation with the Trade Unions and other institutional stakeholders Participation of SMEs to the Programme FRAME CONTRACTS, through… Splitting the frame contract into lots and using combinatorial auctions; Allowing firms to group together (bidding consortia) … MARKETPLACE, through… A new way to participate to the Public Procurement; Reduction of selling costs (lower intermediation cost); Higher visibility; … Technicalities Wide participation of SME’s to the “public expenditure channel”
8 SMEs in the EU The Rationalization Programme Participation of SMEs to the Programme The “Sportello Imprese” Project Consequently, the Project aims at reaching 4 main objectives… …To support Small and Medium Enterprises in entering the marketplace …To create a multiplier effect in dispatching information about the marketplace and about the Programme …To facilitate the participation of SMEs to Public Procurement, improving the SMEs familiarity with ICT tools; 4 …To collect different needs and expectations of enterprises; The “Sportello Imprese” Objectives Cost saving Service efficiency and quality Process Simplification Sportello imprese Project = “Info-Gate” on Programme activities
9 SMEs in the EU The Rationalization Programme Participation of SMEs to the Programme The “Sportello Imprese” Project CONSIP LOCAL REPRESENTATIVES - INFO GATES - SMEs Training Catalogues Management Marketplace priority access NATIONAL TRADE UNIONS Development Plan Training Updating and supporting Development Plan Looking after Marketing & Communication The business model involves the institutional actors of the market, each of them with a defined role Business Model , call center
10 SMEs in the EU The Rationalization Programme Participation of SMEs to the Programme The “Sportello Imprese” Project PlayerRole Consip Coordinates the Project/Info-Gates Trains people working at the Info-Gates Contacts the Trade Unions and cooperates with them for the promotion Supervises the set up and the activity of the Info-Gates Informs the Trade Unions and the Info-Gates about updates of the Programme (e.g. performance of the marketplace) Defines data and/or information to be requested to the Info-Gates Promotes the Info-Gates initiative in the marketplace web site Supports the Info-Gates training activities Trade Unions Cooperate in promoting and developing the Project/Info-Gates Looking after the opening and the correct functioning of the Info-Gates Update their web page with news about the project (if available) Inform Consip about events organized in their territorial area Share data and information about the involvement of enterprises Role and responsibilities (1/2) Relationship Model
11 SMEs in the EU The Rationalization Programme Participation of SMEs to the Programme The “Sportello Imprese” Project PlayerRole Info-Gates Contact enterprises and promote the Rationalization Programme Support enterprises in obtaining the qualification to enter the marketplace; Organize training courses and seminars for enterprises; Periodically inform Consip about this activity; Provide data if requested by Consip. SMEs Receive assistance from the Info-Gates in terms of: −information about the Rationalization Programme; −specific support for entering the marketplace; −Adoption of the marketplace (qualification and on line catalogue); Relationship Model Role and responsibilities (2/2)
12 SMEs in the EU The Rationalization Programme Participation of SMEs to the Programme The “Sportello Imprese” Project Set-up process The Info-Gate “Opening Date” follows 3 main steps, involving several actors and different activities… Start UpTrainingGo-Live! Consip National Trade Unions Sharing of objectives Developing Plan Consip Local Representatives/ Info Gate Training to Info-Gate personnel Training to pilot enterprises Continuous assistance Kick Off event Consip National Trade Unions Local Representatives/ Info Gate Enterprises and PP.AA. ACTORS ACTIVITIES
13 SMEs in the EU The Rationalization Programme Participation of SMEs to the Programme The “Sportello Imprese” Project Results Since December 2004, around 80 Info-Gates have been set up, homogeneously distributed within the country…. Other actions in the short term! “Confcommercio” Info Gates “Confartigianato” Info Gates “CONFCOOPERATIVE” Info Gates “CAN” Info Gates “CCIAA” Info Gates In course of development other contacts with new Trade Unions (UnionCamere) to increase the number of Info Gates Increasing visibility of the Project on the Programme’s website (in terms of number of Info-Gate active and contact details) DataBase setting up to collect and analyse qualitative and quantitative data about the involved actors Up to now… Short Term Consip HQ III Q 2004 IQ 2005 II Q 2005 IV Q 2005 III Q N° of Info Gates
14 SMEs in the EU The Rationalization Programme Participation of SMEs to the Programme The “Sportello Imprese” Project Results Contact Information Training e-catalogue setting up Qualification Up to now, the Info gates contacted around 150 enterprises. Around 60 enterprises obtained the qualification to the e-marketplace. 10% of the total of enterprises that requested qualification to the marketplace…. …have obtained it through the “Info-Gate” The Info-Gates increased the participation of SMEs to Public Procurement!
15 SMEs in the EU The Rationalization Programme Participation of SMEs to the Programme The “Sportello Imprese” Project Next Steps The success of the Project - up to now observed - suggests to “extend” the initiatives’ content along 3 main directions… …To Increase the support provided to the SMEs, with particular focus on other Programme instruments: (1) electronic auctions, (2) legal consultancy, etc. …To Involve in the initiative also the Public Administrations: up to now they are only invited to the launch of a new Info Gate …To Evolve the initiative from “Info-Gate approach” to “e-Procurement approach”, in terms of high focused competence center, characterized from a wide portfolio of services provided (360° consultancy services for the enterprises and PPAA)
16 SMEs in the EU The Rationalization Programme Participation of SMEs to the Programme The “Sportello Imprese” Project THANK YOU!