Gearing up for Final Exams Presented by: Riverside City College Counseling Department
Gearing up… Know your FINAL schedule -Listed in schedule of classes -Check class syllabus Manage your time wisely –Make arrangements at work –Prioritize how you are going to study –Don’t procrastinate
Also… Postpone the FUN -Good decision making requires that you reward yourself after accomplishing your goals Seek out resources on campus: –Tutorial Services –Math Labs –Instructor office hours –Study sessions
Don’t forget to… Communicate the importance of FINALS to your support network- ~ Family ~ Significant others ~ Friends ~ Employers
Remember…. Failure to show up for a final exam results in an automatic failing grade in most classes. Always communicate with your instructors prior to the exam that you cannot attend the final. Keep documentation in case you need it as proof.
In Conclusion FINALS are important and you should treat them as such, but they are NOT designed to create EXTREME levels of Stress Anxiety Depression Preparation is KEY…. IF YOU NEED HELP, WE CAN HELP