Setting Up a Club Education Program Using the NAIC Stock Selection Handbook Presented by Ken and Natalie Kavula Mid-Michigan Chapter NAIC
Why is on-going education important? New members frequently join your club. Experienced members benefit from review. All club members hear the same material. Members become involved in their own education.
Why involve the members in the presentation? No club member should have to do all the education. Members who take part in their own education become involved members. The club benefits from having experts.
What methods work well for club education? Dividing information into easily-digestible chunks. Assigning teams to make presentations. Setting aside minutes for education at every meeting. Occasionally having a club class.
Why use the NAIC Stock Selection Handbook? It’s easy to understand. It provides a structured approach to education.
Who should direct the program? Ideally, the Vice-President is in charge of education. Your President could appoint a club member who agrees with the philosophy of the program and will check regularly with presenters. Your program will probably not run well without guidance.
What should we consider when setting up your program? Are most of your members beginners or are they experienced? Do you have several new members who need to be brought “up to speed”? Do you use the SSG to purchase and monitor companies?
Using the Basic Outline Basic Outline Notes Lesson content Location Lesson Title Optional Lessons
Using the Advanced Outline Advanced Outline
The Youth Handbook contains information by a different author. Available now.
Coming Soon… Official Guide Introduction to Successful Investing Computerized Investing and the Internet Using Portfolio Management Wisdom Investment Club Operations Investment Club Accounting Also Available Now.. Mutual Fund Handbook
Where else can we get information for presentations? (searchable) Bits on-line (for OPS subscribers) Google search for your topic
A Gentle Reminder... It’s hard to get where you want to go without taking the first step!
Contact us if you need help in taking the first step. Ken and Natalie Kavula